(Adjective) oleisty, mazisty; pochlebczy, obłudny;
adj obłudny
oleisty adj., mazisty adj
oleisty, mazisty
adj form. fałszywy, obłudny
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
It is fatty, it's sweet, it's silky, it's unctuous.
Jest tłuste, słodkie, jedwabiste, oleiste.
It was sweet, it was unctuous.
To było słodkie, oleiste.
And then I tasted it, and it, you know, had this kind of unctuous, porty richness, which is characteristic of that wine -- that it sort of resembles port in a lot of ways.
Skosztowałem go. ~~~ Miał fałszywą głębię porto -- charakterystyczne dla tego wina jest, że pod wieloma względami przypomina porto.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?I have a horrible capacity to be unctuous to people I want to impress.
And she said the audits offered up by big retailers as evidence of their unctuous supply chain management were virtually useless.
'I have a horrible capacity to be unctuous with people I want to impress'.
This unctuous cake takes me back to a now rather misty memory of contentment and summer.