(Noun) geografia stan Maine;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
2008 Domaine Servin, Mont?©e de Tonnerre Premier Cru, Chablis, France (Â?18.99, Corney & Barrow)
Margaret Thatcher was ousted 20 years ago â?? was that our lot? It wouldn't be so embarrassing if Gillard were the PM of somewhere progressive such as Sweden, but Australia â?? oft-denounced as a larger, more chauvinist version of a Castlemaine XXXX advert? Moreover, Gillard is a housework-hating feminist, not some blankly smiling Stepford Sheila.
The study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology will inflame passions. But, say the researchers from Maine Medical Centre in Portland, the findings must be addressed. "Women, particularly low-risk parous [having given birth before] individuals, choosing home birth are in large part successful in achieving their goal of delivering with less morbidity [damage] and medical intervention than experienced during hospital-based childbirth," they write.
I met the department that night. All there for dinner, to meet the new arrival and to hear the news from Cambridge. Had I, for example, met Germaine before I left? As it happened, I had. It was Germaine Greer â?? who had lectured at Sydney â?? I was replacing. A tough act to follow, I was told. So I didn't try. I did it my way â?? cultivating a leather-jacketed bohemian look, growing my hair, smoking enough cigarettes to kill a hundred men, clicking my fingers like a jazzman when I entered a seminar room, tearing up novels I didn't like, telling students that the novels they liked â?? works of irrationality such as Wuthering Heights â?? were rubbish, and otherwise doing all I could not to make the same mistake I'd made in Cambridge, which had been to pass unnoticed through the quadrangles. Stage one of my mission, at least, was accomplished. This time the bastards knew who I was. I had put the past behind me.
"The rose has to be a couple of days we took in Maine with Michelle, Sasha and Malia, and we went on bike rides and hikes," he said.
Wrong. Check out Bradley Bakeman, writing for Rupert Murdoch's FoxNews.com, who rips the first lady for vacationing in Spain â?? as well as for the family vacation the Obamas took in Maine last month, a time when oil was gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. "I guess the Obamas thought it was better to cruise the pristine waters of Frenchman's Bay than the oil-slicked waters in the Gulf," Bakeman sneers. (Bonus points for working in the subliminal reference to France. Pass the freedom fries.)
The Lancet said it stood by its editorial which highlighted the work of researchers from Maine Medical Centre in Portland, who had pulled together data from studies in the US and in Europe and considered a total of 342,056 home births and 207,551 hospital births.
Those living on other parts of the heavily populated coast, including popular holiday areas around Cape Cod and Nantucket Island, were told to prepare similar plans, while those in New York's Long Island, Connecticut and Maine were told Earl may only be a tropical storm by the time it reached them.
North Carolina shut down ferry services between islands and the mainland. Boats were being pulled from the water around Boston, and lobstermen in Maine set their traps out in deeper water to protect them.
I was raised in an eastern Canadian fishing village right on the Maine border, called St. Andrews. I used to swim with these beavers in a beaver pond when I was 10. I went back when I was 11 and found there were no more beavers. I found that trappers had taken them all so I became quite angry and that winter I began to walk the trap lines and free animals from the traps and destroy the traps. So that was really my first venture into activism.
We've got a place in Maine you can use for the summer.
Mamy miejsce w Maine możesz mieszkać tam latem. Jadę znowu do Afryki w czerwcu.
I would, but my parents are making me go to Maine with them.
Na prawdę, ale moi rodzice zmuszają mnie bym jechal z nimi do Maine.
So he gets to work out of his beach house in Maine.
Jest już na emeryturze. Pracuje z domku na plaży w Maine.
I also know this little island off the coast of Maine.
Znam także tą małą wyspę położoną u wybrzeży Maine...
Can't you do something before this ends up in another police report? Maine!
Możesz coś zrobić zanim to się skończy jeszcze jednym raportem policyjnym?
I'm sending him up to Maine for a nice, long rest.
Wysyłam go do Maine na miły, długi odpoczynek.
Why don't you take a ride on Maine's horse and see what come up.
Przejedź się na koniu Maine i zobacz co ci przyjdzie do głowy.
So super sweet, but you know, the baby will have Maine to play with.
Tak bardzo miło, ale tu dziecko będzie miało Maine do zabawy.
Hey, did you know his great grandfather was governor of Maine?
Wiedziałaś, że jego pradziadek był gubernatorem stanu Maine?
I wanted to show you some pictures of my cottage in Maine.
Chcialem pokazac Ci kilka zdjec z mojego domku w Maine.
She won the state championship for Maine three years in a row.
Ona wygrała państwowe mistrzostwo dla Maine trzy lata w rzędzie.
We did a couples' seminar two months ago or so in Maine.
Jakieś dwa miesiące temu byliśmy w Maine na kilku seminariach.
This looks almost like the one at my uncle's cabin in Maine.
To wygląda zupełnie jak w domku mojego wujka w Maine.
Do you have any family in Maine, by any chance?
Masz rodzine w Maine, przez przypadek?
I didn't think there was alligators up in Maine either.
Ja też myślałem, że w Maine nie ma aligatorów.
The coast of Maine, really, isn't very kind to buildings.
Wybrzeże Maine tak naprawdę nie jest dobrym miejscem do budowania.
Well, uh, that's a fine department over there in Maine.
Mają tam w Maine wspaniały wydział.
What, you want to keep Maine all to yourself?
Chce pan mnie trzymać z dala od siebie ?
I bought a house on the coast of Maine.
Kupiłam dom na wybrzeżu Maine.
Angie has deals with most of the boats in Maine.
Angie zawarła kontrakty z większością kutrów w Maine.
When your grandpa made them, they'd line up from here to Maine
Kiedy twój dziadek je tworzył, przyjeżdżali tutaj z Maine, żeby mieć taką sztukę.
My friend cheryl lives in orono, maine, by the university.
Moja przyjaciółka, Sharyl, mieszka w Oreno w Maine, przy uniwersytecie.
Captain, I think the whole state of Maine would be comfortable here.
Kapitanie, myślę, że wszystkim mieszkańcom stanu Maine byłoby tu wygodnie.
I drove up to Maine, took the blue roads.
Pojechałem do Maine, przejechać się Blue Roads.
It stretches from Maine to Georgia, took me all summer.
Trasa wyprawy biegła z Maine do Georgii i zajęła mi całe lato.
As we say in Maine, let's go for a ride My computer sheriff.
Jak mawiamy w Maine, chodź na przejażdzkę mój komputer szeryfie.
Maine was gone, no more can be done.
Maine nie było, nic więcej nie można zrobić.
Well, what the hell does a senator from Maine need to visit Peru for?
A po co, u diabła, senator z Maine, musi odwiedzać Peru?!
You never go back to Maine if you do.
Jeśli ich rozstrzelasz, nie będziesz miał powrotu do Maine.
I can't get hold of anyone in Maine.
Nie mogę dodzwonić się do nikogo w Maine.
You want me to go with you to Maine?
Mam pojechać z tobą do Maine?
I guess you met at college in maine.
Pewnie poznaliście się w szkole w Maine.
You heard about this thing up in Maine?
Słyszałeś o sprawie w Maine?
Thank you for not making Maine too normal.
Dziękuję, że Maine nie stała się zbyt zwyczajna
I know that it's not legal in Maine.
Wiem, że to nielegalne w Maine.
One hitch - I'm going to meet him in Maine.
Jeden szkopuł. Mam spotkać się z nim w Maine.
After this is over, I'il be going back to Maine.
Jak tu skończymy, wracamy do Maine.
I'd like you to fly them back to Maine and set them free,
Chciałbym z nimi polecieć z powrotem do Maine i wypuścić je,
Maine, what kind of horses do you ride?
Maine, na jakich koniach jeździsz?
Maine! No more trips to liquor stores dressed up like a harlot.
Maine, żadnych wycieczek do sklepu ubrana tak jak przedtem, rozumiesz?
Son, there isn't a town called Storybrooke anywhere in Maine.
Synu, w całym Maine nie ma miasta o nazwie Storybrooke.
Tell me about your place in Maine.
Opowiedz mi o domku w Maine.
Third, the lighthouse off the coast of Maine.
Po trzecie, latarnia morska na wybrzeżu Maine.
The glaciers are making it snow in Maine?
Lodowiec powoduje śnieg w Maine?
This regiment was formed last summer in Maine.
Nasz pułk powstał w Maine latem zeszłego roku.
Dad, is this 'cause there's flying saucers in Maine?
Tato, czy to dlatego, że w Maine widuje się latające spodki?
One problem - how am I gonna get to Maine?
Tylko ten problem - jak mam dostać się do Maine?
What the hell you doing in Maine?
Co ty robisz w Maine?
Give Maine those lottery numbers before she loses her virginity on that rocking horse.
Daj Maine te numery w bo straci dziewictwo na koniu na biegunach.