(Noun) pani;
pani (francuski tytuł przed nazwiskiem zamężnej kobiety)
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
We need Madame Curies, we need scientists, we need breakthrough technologies.
Potrzebujemy pań Curie, potrzebujemy naukowców, potrzebujemy przełomowych technologii.
The direct equivalent in French is known as 'Tout va très bien, Madame la Marquise, il n'y a pas de problème'.
Bezpośredni odpowiednik w języku francuskim brzmi "Tout va très bien, Madame la Marquise, il n'y a pas de problème”.
I gave them the plotline of Madame Bovary.
Opowiedziałem im historię Madame Bovary.
And it was Madame Bousson, you know, she was very [French].
I była to madame Bousson.
Madame Butterfly?
" Madame Butterfly "?
And it would likewise be good to have another version of Sargent than the public relations expert, image-maker to Madame X in her backless black dress or languid Lady Agnew in lavender. The sea side of Sargent â?? a tang of brine, perhaps even some dangerous depths: it sounded full of promise (at least, to me).
Paddy is a natural raconteur. He tells me how, when he bought the Wax Museum Plus â?? Dublin's answer to Madame Tussauds â?? the resident Elvis was looking a little tired, so Paddy retired him, placing him in the woods by Coolatore. He had forgotten about him until Michael Jackson came in from a walk one day looking shaken. "Paddy," he said, "I just met my father-in-law in the woods!"
What does a boy do when his mother falls short? Tony seems to have had a talent for finding mothers elsewhere. He owns a curved mother figure by Picasso: a wooden woman, which is about three inches tall, with crayoned features and arms ready to offer a hug. He put her in charge of his ark â?? Madame Noah. Tony was devoted, too, to his father's first wife, French surrealist poet Valentine Boue: "I adored her. She was a frequent visitor here. She died in this house." And he launches, with spirit, into the incredible story of how Roland's two wives, Valentine and Lee, first met.
Grossman's heroine, Ora, whom the American novelist Paul Auster has already likened both to Tolstoy's Emma, and Flaubert's Madame Bovary, decides to hike in Galilee for the duration of her country's latest war. She takes with her an old love, Avram, a veteran of the Yom Kippur war and a former PoW. While they walk, they talk. She tells him about Ofer, describing her boy at every stage in his life, carefully bringing him to life (Avram has never met him). Slowly, an absence becomes a presence. The novel, then, works as kind of memorial: not only to Uri, to whom it is dedicated, but to Ofer, who may, or may not, be dead. After Grossman had finished writing it, he handed it to Yonatan, and to his wife, Machal (he also has a daughter, Ruti, but she was too young for this book at the time). "It wasn't easy for them to read it," he says. "I think it was only the second time they read it that they understood that it could be a source of comfort to us all. I'm not describing our family, but there are always moments [when the two collide]. And yes, when someone dies, they're gone and yet they are still so present."
â?? Despite his fondness for reimagining the lives of real people, Vargas Llosa is also keen on paying homage to his literary heroes. His most recent book, Travesuras de la ni??a mala (The Bad Girl) was a slow and deliberate wink of appreciation in the direction of Flaubert's Madame Bovary.
I have something to tell the madame and her son.
Mam jej coś do powiedzenia. Jej synowi też.
Madame, no woman has stepped in this house for years!
Madame, żadna kobieta nie zawitała do tego domu od lat!
Fear not, Madame, my plans should protect me from that for years.
Proszę się nie obawiać, pani, moje plany chronią mnie od tego na lata.
You're going to be very much alone, my dear Madame.
Będziesz całkiem sama, moja droga madame.
Since when has it been possible to insult you, Madame?
Od kiedy to można ciebie znieważyć, panienko!
Can't say it comes as any surprise to me, madame.
Nie powiem żeby mnie to zdziwiło, madame.
Madame, please give me the paper which my servant gave you.
Pani, proszę daj mi kartkę, którą mój sługa ci dał.
Dear Madame, a friend who worked for you gave me your address.
Szanowna Pani, koleżanka, która pracowała dla Pani dał mi Pani adres.
And it is your royal blood, madame, that will make me a king.
I to twoja królewska krew, pani, uczyni mnie królem.
Well, Madame, do you know our church roof is damaged?
Cóż, wie pani, że dach naszego kościoła jest w złym stanie?
Madame say, will you please excuse her, she can't come.
Madame prosi o nie może przyjść.
Madame, I beg you, you've nothing to do with this man.
Błagam panią, aby pani nie miała z tym człowiekiem nic wspólnego.
Would you like me to close the window, madame?
Czy życzy sobie pani, aby zamknąć okno, madame?
Madame, there is not a trace of this money anywhere.
Madame, nie ma śladu po tych pieniądzach.
I don't know, madame. She doesn't talk to me anymore.
Nie wiem, ona mi już nic nie mówi.
Waiting patiently for madame to get dressed to take her to the hotel.
Czekasz cierpliwe na swoją panią, aż ta się ubierze, żeby zabrać ją do hotelu.
I wish we were home with Madame right now.
Chciałabym teraz być w domu z Madame.
Tell Madame that I'm waiting for the girl who just went in the house.
Powiedz Madame, że czekam na dziewczynę, która właśnie weszła do domu.
Madame must have noticed how often he rides in the elevator with us.
Madame musiała zauważyć, jak często jeździ z nami windą.
I can set one up in 45 seconds, madame.
Mogę to zrobić w 45 sekund.
Madame, your brother, the emperor, is in the salon waiting for you.
Droga pani, pani brat, cesarz, oczekuje na panią w salonie. Jest tu?
Well, I'm not a scared little boy anymore, madame mayor.
Nie jestem już przerażonym chłopcem, pani burmistrz.
Madame Poussin will bring a visitor you like very much.
Będziesz miał gościa, którego bardzo lubisz.
Madame will pardon me, the shadow over the left eye is not quite balanced.
Madame wybaczy mi. Cień na lewym oku nie jest równomierny.
Who else can I turn to in my desperation, Madame?
Do kogo mogę się zwrócić w mej rozpaczy, Madame?
The cash value will fall to you, Madame Senator, and your son.
Wszelkie środki gotówkowe przypadają pani senator i jej synowi.
Madame's hungry and so am I. What can we have?
Pani jest głodna i ja też. Co mamy do jedzenia??
It was just a coincidence, my meeting madame here.
To zbieg okoliczności, że spotkałem tu madame.
Better ask your husband or your lover for that, madame.
Lepiej poproś o to męża albo kochanka, madame.
Madame - your eyes are like two full moons.
Madame - twoje oczy są jak dwa księżyce w pełni
I never had asparagus because Madame didn't like it!
Nigdy nie jadałem szparagów, bo madame ich nie lubiła!
Madame Zerbino and still cooking in the oven, my son.
Pani Zerbino i, nadal w drodze, mój syn.
This trick is going to cost Madame a suit for breach of contract.
Ten żart będzie ją kosztował proces za złamanie kontraktu.
Madame Fanny, we've been doing this for three hours.
Madame Fanny, byliśmy to zrobić na trzy godziny.
You have a very nice little boy, madame.
Ma pani, bardzo miłego chłopca, proszę pani.
Madame, please tell young master that I've missed him.
Pani, proszę powiedz młodemu mistrzowi, że tęsknię za nim,
It is just that I am greatly worried about Madame.
To dlatego, że bardzo martwię się o Madame.
That Madame Prudence is here on her way home from a party.
Madame Prudence tu przyszła. W drodze do domu z przyjęcia.
I can think of no other reason, Madame.
Nie mogę pomyśleć o żadnym innym powodzie, madame.
Madame has gone with another gentleman to the casino.
Pojechała z jakimś dżentelmenem do kasyna.
I'm sorry, Madame Sebastian wasn't certain you would be back tonight.
Przepraszam, Madame Sebastian nie była pewna czy wrócicie państwo tej nocy.
And this is Madame Blanche, a close friend of my father's.
A to pani Blanche, bliska przyjaciółka mojego ojca.
And there is nothing about your hands that Madame Zoe does not know.
I nie ma w twoich rękach niczego, czego nie wiedziałaby Madame Zoe.
Madame de Merteuil had it made especially for you.
Pani de Merteuil kazała to uszyć specjalnie dla ciebie.
Madame, pray for those whose sole wish is to avenge your husband.
Pani, módl się za tych, których jedynym życzeniem jest pomścić twego męża.
Madame President, my chief concern is for Sangala, not myself.
Pani Prezydent, moim głównym zmartwieniem jest Sangala, nie moje bezpieczeństwo.
One day, Madame sent me to another libertine's house.
Pewnego dnia Madam wysłała mnie do innego libertyna
I take a professional interest in crime, Madame.
Żywię zawodowe zainteresowanie w zbrodni, Madame.