(Noun) Łukasz;
im. Łukasz
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Some of the Wallaby handling and support running, admittedly, was of the highest class. Quade Cooper has a gunslinger's eyes and the hands of an angel and his accomplices are equally quick on the draw. Drew Mitchell's sharp 40-metre return of Danny Care's kick set in motion a stirring attack which ended with the same player freeing Rocky Elsom down the right touchline. Luke Burgess's twisting offload to Cooper after half an hour was equally deft. When Will Genia and Matt Giteau are back at full fitness, the wizards of Oz will be materialising from all angles.
Lying by a pool would certainly be improved by reading Colm T??ib?n's Brooklyn (Penguin). Summer reading should be all emotion, and I cared deeply for the heroine Eilis Lacey, as she left 1950s Ireland for the US. The pool I'll be in this summer will be part of an Icelandic river, where I will be chasing salmon. There I will recall the last book I loved, Blood Knots (Atlantic), Luke Jennings's stunning memoir of a childhood spent in search of fish in England. Given that most of you might think this sounds dreary, I'll quote Danny Finkelstein, a judge on the Samuel Johnson prize, who tweeted after it made the shortlist: "Luke Jennings did the impossible with Blood Knots â?? he made me excited and moved by fishing."
One very English memoir/elegy, Blood Knots by Luke Jennings (Atlantic), which beautifully evokes the landscape and lore of his postwar rural childhood, with all its country orthodoxies (especially fishing) intact; and one Canadian/postmodern memoir/elegy, Nox by Anne Carson (New Directions), which in form and procedure is about as radical as book-publishing gets these days. They describe different kinds of loss, in enormously different ways, yet they converge on the same spot, where every kind of articulation is defeated. Holiday reading if you're heading for a stony beach.
Hodgson, meanwhile, has made a move for the Aston Villa full-back Luke Young. The Liverpool manager tried to sign Young earlier this year when he was in charge of Fulham and he has rekindled his interest in the former England international. Liverpool have agreed a Â?2.5m fee for a player who has been told he is surplus to requirements at Villa Park.
It was pretty rock'n'roll â?? it was one of the best moments of my life. It was when I played a little show in New York with my father, who's been a musician for 40 years but had never been to the US. I produced his last solo record early last year and said I'd fly him over to support a set I was doing as Luke Blonde. There were these black bouncers from the future, and me on laptop and electronics. My dad was a bit shocked to see my sci-fi alter ego going straight into this Martin Luther King speech; it was pretty full on. Then my father came on and played all this Dylan, JJ Cale, Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson stuff and just blew away this New York crowd at the Bowery Ballroom. Jack Black was there. So was Heather Graham, who came in on roller skates. I tried out her skates â?? her underpants as well. She tried out my guitar. We did a duet, with Jack Black on the drums. It was very surreal for me, a young musician from Perth, the most isolated city in the world, where usually a gig attracts a couple of fat drunk guys. The night dissipated into a long-distance dream. At one point, I refused to go on stage unless I got a box of Krispy Kremes. Then we left the venue and went to find Michelle Pfeiffer.
This point is acknowledged â?? partially â?? by genetic engineers. "We do concentrate a lot on genetic approaches to disease, but that is because we geneticists are only now catching up with other sciences," says Luke Alphey, head of Oxitec, an Oxford University spin-off genetics company. "For the first time, we have got the tools to do this sort of thing. And in any case, a disease is generally a combination of genetic and environmental causes. So the more we learn about genetic influences the more we will know about their environmental influences as well."
Jo Cree Browne, artistic director at Trevor Sorbie, points out that "the shape and the scale have to be exaggerated. That's what makes it cool, and not just granny hair." Flick through any of this month's glossy magazines, and take a look at the new Prada campaign, in which the models' heads are almost doubled in size thanks to their giant chignons. Luke Hersheson, the hairstylist responsible for many a hot cover look or catwalk trend, specifies that "the height and volume has to be at the back now. Height at the front, that looks old."
The final scenes of Return Of The Jedi are imprinted on the consciousness of millions of Star Wars fans. After bidding farewell to his dead father in an emotional cremation sequence, Luke Skywalker rushes off to an Ewok party, where everybody hugs and dances and some Ewoks play the bongos. The end.
"George then decided he didn't want any of the principals killed. By that time there were really big toy sales and that was a reason." What's more, the film would have shown Princess Leia struggling to cope with her new-found responsibilities, and would have ended with Luke Skywalker walking off into the distance as an embittered, Clint Eastwood-style loner.
2nd over: Pakistan 13-1 (Farhat 12 Butt 1) need 148 to win Great cricket this. Farhat is going to counter-attack. Broad's first ball ios wide, and Farhat crakcs it up and over point for four. He's going to try and hit his team most of the way to the total. That's another good shot, Farhat hopping up on his tip toes to force a straight drive back past the bowler for two. He knocks the next ball to leg for a single. "Good to see Ricky hasn't forgotten about Tim Ambrose," chortles Luke Remsbury.
How long is Luke home before he has to go back to work?
Jak długo Łukasz będzie w domu przed rozpoczęciem pracy?
So maybe now you would like to talk about Luke?
Owszem, zaczęłam... więc może teraz masz ochotę porozmawiać o Luke'u?
Luke, you are not going to believe what just happened to me.
Luke, nie uwierzysz co mi się przytrafiło.
You never went back into the school that day, Luke.
Tamtego dnia nie wszedłeś do szkoły, Luke.
This has got nothing to do with being popular, Luke.
Bycie znanym nie ma z tym nic wspólnego.
It's pretty early in the morning for Luke to be there.
Jest całkiem wcześnie, żeby Luke był u nas.
I'm sure the team will take care of that, Luke.
Jestem pewien, że telewizja się tym zajmie.
Luke and he will take turns watching on this floor.
On i Luke będą na zmianę pilnować tego piętra.
Even if Luke was in great shape, he couldn't get home.
Nawet jeżeli Luke był w stanie, nie mógłby wrócić do domu.
It wasn't because you were telling again the Luke and the doctor story.
To nie dlatego, że znowu opowiadałaś historię o Luke'u i doktorze.
What if Luke spent the last decade actually thinking he's somebody else?
A co jeśli Luke spędził ostatnią dekadę nie wiedząc kim właściwie jest?
Doesn't look like Luke slept in his bed last night.
Nie wygląda jaky Luke spał w swoim łóżku wczorajszej nocy.
Ruby will be until he gets his hands on Luke.
Ruby nic nie będzie, dopóki nie położy łap na Luke'u.
Luke, why do you want a war of the gods?
Luke, co będziesz miał z wojny bogów?
Hey, Luke, look we got the picture you sent us.
Wyliże się. Luke, dostaliśmy twoje zdjęcia. Spójrz.
Luke, back when I went to school, drug dealers had no problem getting girls.
Kiedy chodziłem do szkoły, dilerzy nie mieli problemów z dziewczynami.
You lie, Luke, because you'd rather be anyone else other than yourself.
Kłamiesz, Luke, ponieważ wolisz być kimkolwiek innym niż sobą.
Luke and I hated it for exactly the same reason.
Luke i ja nienawidzilismy tego z dokladnie tego samego powodu.
So, Luke, your dad tells me you started a fire.
Więc, Luke, twój tata powiedział mi, że wznieciłeś ogień.
I think that luke suspects There's something wrong with his father.
Myślę, że Luk podejrzewa,. że cos nie tak jest z jego ojcem
I think you, me and Luke are the only survivors of this family.
Myślę, że ty, ja i Luke jesteś jedynym osoby tej rodziny.
Luke, you've changed other people's lives by opening it up.
Zmieniłeś życia innych ludzi, otwierając je.
I've been thinking about your dilemma a lot recently, Luke.
Luke, ostatnio dużo myślę o twoim dylemacie.
Tell me, young Luke, what brings you out this far?
Powiedz mi, Luke, co sprowadza cię z tak daleka?
The world should know that the first shooting these animals was you, Luke.
Teraz chcę powiedzieć światu, że pierwsze zobaczenie tych stworzeń, jest dedykowane tobie, Luke.
And they are my decisions to make, not yours, Luke.
Nic nie możesz na to poradzić. Coś musi być. Ale nie ma.
Luke even has his own chat room. Every little bit helps.
Luke nawet ma jego własny chat. każdy mały kawałek pomaga.
Listen, Luke, you cannot tell mom about this, all right?
Słuchaj, nie mów o tym mamie, dobra?
They seem to be a chip right off Luke's block.
Wydają się być wiórkami z pnia Luke'a.
Well, let's hope you never have to shoot the man, Luke.
Miejmy nadzieję, że nigdy nie będziesz musiał strzelać do człowieka.
Now, Luke, your wife wouldn't want you to be a murderer.
Luke, twoja żona nie chciałaby, żebyś został mordercą.
I'm afraid you're not leaving me a lot of choice, Luke.
Obawiam się, że nie pozostawiłeś mi zbyt dużego wyboru, Luke.
Luke, would you play that tape for the captain, please?
Luke, puścisz tą taśmę dla kapitana, proszę?
Luke, you know not to come to the house.
Masz nie przychodzić do domu.
Tell me where Luke is, or I will end you.
Mów, gdzie jest Luke, albo cię zabiję.
Tell me again what a great guy Luke was.
Powiedz mi jescze raz jakim to wspaniałym człowiekiem był Luke.
And one of my things is going to Luke's.
I jedną z nich jest chodzenie do Luka.
Luke had a daughter he didn't know anything about.
Luke ma córkę, o której nie wiedział.
All either one of us could see was Luke.
Wszystko o czym mogło każde z nas myśleć to Luke.
Yeah, but it's like you're saying we should bother Luke.
Dobra, ale to tak, jakbyś mówił, że powinniśmy dręczyć Luke'a.
Luke said he'll be here Friday at 8:30 to get the briefcase.
Luke powiedział, że będzie tu w piątek o 20.30 żeby odebrać walizkę.
Didn't I ask you to not say anything to Luke?
Czy ja nie prosiłem, żebyś nic nie mówił Luke'owi?
When help arrived, they found Luke near the overturned boat.
Kiedy przybyła pomoc, znaleźli Luke'a koło przewróconej łodzi.
Luke, you ran over your friend when you took his car.
Luke, przejechałeś po swoim przyjacielu, kiedy zabierałeś jego wóz.
There's nothing going on between Luke and me now.
Nic się teraz nie dzieje pomiędzy Lukiem i mną.
I heard about the fight between you and Luke.
Słyszałam o kłótni między Tobą i Lukiem.
Our powers are not for amusement, Luke, you understand that?
Nasze moce nie są dla rozrywki, Luke.
Luke, quickly, I think we can get to the car and get help.
Luke, szybko, myślę, że uda nam się dostać do auta i sprawdzić pomoc.
You know you got a lot of good things in this life, Luke.
Masz wiele dobrych rzeczy w życiu, Luke.
My career was on the line, and I would have to see Luke again.
Moja kariera wisiała na włosku i musiałam jeszcze raz zobaczyć Luke'a.