(Adverb) wesoło, beztrosko; dziarsko, żwawo, lekkim krokiem;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
It wasn't always so impressive â?? in 1989 Teachers (as it is more jauntily known) was run by the state and all its investments were government bonds. Now the plan invests in companies directly â?? cutting out the money managers who usually pick out private equity for pension plans â?? and has a staggering $96.4bn in assets. But sadly, unless you are willing to emigrate and discover a vocation for teaching, there's no hope of joining this golden pension scheme.
As the sun set last Thursday, the two were together on a grass verge opposite the ad hoc track, equipped with a vacuum flask and a bag of biscuits. On the other side of the road the hanging baskets outside a pretty white cottage rocked jauntily as every 20 seconds a motorbike roared past spectators standing just inches from the road.