adj. osadzony w więzieniu; uwięziony
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The judges jailed another senior officer, Drago Nikolic, for 35 years for aiding and abetting genocide."Tennis hasn't really moved on from its roots as a genteel middle-class sport," says Henderson. "It was originally conceived as a way of whiling away sunny summer afternoons, and the great majority of tennis clubs in this country remain middle-class social clubs." Go to a club in France, where some of the parents are even more committed than the Croatians â?? one father was even jailed for poisoning his children's opponents, which is taking things a little too far â?? and you will find a very different atmosphere, which is why France has numerous players in the top 100 and we just have Murray, steely, truculent, uncompromising, one man (and his scarily intense mother) contra mundum.ElBaradei and a group of other prominent opposition figureheads â?? including former presidential candidate Ayman Nour, who was jailed after his unsuccessful attempt to unseat Mubarak in 2005 â?? arrived in Alexandria earlier to meet Said's family. After Friday prayers, the protesters congregated at a mosque where they were met by a huge contingent of riot police.Elezovic's father, Ermin, spent his time during the latter days of the siege commuting between a frontline of urban warfare (divided by a single street strewn with corpses) and War Child's bakery (he was eventually jailed for a month, for desertion from his duty as a soldier in the Bosnian army). I remember this most perilous of frontlines vividly: to reach the promontory on the west bank held by the Muslims, one had to clamber across the temporary bridge on which the picture of Elezovic was taken, dodging sniper fire, only to then endure the terrifying street-fighting, house to house. "Ermin never slept," recalls his wife, Alma, Elezovic's mother. "He came off duty at 2am, went straight to bake bread, distributed hundreds of loaves, then back to the front. I think his work in the bakery saved him, from himself I mean, after the terrible things he had seen. But we needed more than bread," she muses, as her son picks an ancient Bosnian "Sevdah" ballad on the guitar he learned to play at the music school War Child set up for children whose lives had been fragmented and ravaged by the conflict. "We needed food for the soul."Moscow and Washington are moving rapidly towards a spy swap that would exchange 10 accused Russian agents arrested in the US last week for alleged western spies jailed by Russia.Vyacheslav Sutyagin said he understood another of the people to be swapped would be Sergei Skripal, a Russian military intelligence officer jailed for treason for passing secrets to MI6 in the 1990s.1969 Britain struck a deal with Moscow to release Peter and Helen Kroger from prison early in exchange for the freedom of lecturer Gerald Brooke, who was jailed for espionage in the Soviet Union.Learco Chindamo, now 29, was 15 when he stabbed Lawrence outside his London school in 1995. He was convicted of the murder in October 1996 and jailed indefinitely, with a minimum tariff of 12 years.Sutyagin, an arms control analyst jailed for 14 years for passing military secrets to a British company which Russian authorities said was a CIA front, was reported to be bound for the UK after his release from the Moscow prison Lefortovo.Well-placed British sources said the exchange was also significant because Russia rarely gives up its citizens, as opposed to Americans or other foreigners, whom it has jailed on spying charges.
If we carry on, it's us who will be jailed.
Ale jeśli dalej będzie to zamkną nas za bzdury, które wyczyniamy.
He won many carnival contests and was jailed countless times.
Wygrał wiele konkursów i był aresztowany niezliczoną ilość razy.
But the man will still be jailed for snaring pheasant.
Ale ten człowiek dalej będzie uwięziony za rozstawianie sideł.
Do you want to get us all jailed?
Chcesz żebyśmy wszyscy poszli do więzienia?
I pray that even my enemies are never jailed.
Modlę się,by nawet żaden mój wróg nigdy nie był uwięziony
She's jailed at Canfranc in 60s, when I was born.
Była więźniem Canfranc w latach 60, kiedy się urodziłem.
I deeply believe in them, and I was jailed for them.
Głęboko wierzę w nich, i uwięziony na nich.
His brother, Jose, was jailed in Canfranc when you worked there.
Jego brat, Jose, był w więzieniu w Canfranc, kiedy tam pracowałeś.
I'm the superintendent here, you'll be the one jailed
Jestem kierownikiem tutaj, będziesz aresztowany jeden bez opłat.
Activists from the left-wing movement 'Kazakhstan 2012' are being harassed and jailed.
Działacze lewicowego ruchu "Kazachstan 2012” są prześladowani i osadzani w więzieniach.
Terry was jailed for ten years and was converted to Buddhism.
Terry dostał dziesięć i przeszedł na buddyzm.
Want to get us jailed or something?
Chcecie nas wpakować w bagno, czy co?
Galileo was jailed... for saying that the earth revolved around the sun.
Galileusz był więziony... za mówienie, że Ziemia obraca się wokół Słońca.
These are your clothings before you were jailed.
To jest twoja odzież, która miałes przed uwięzieniem.
It is unacceptable for women ever to be jailed for fighting for equal rights.
Nie można akceptować rzeczywistości, w której kobieta jest więziona za walkę o równe prawa.
Any other cop would already be jailed.
Każdy inny glina, już by siedział.
Vrinks jailed, his wife dead, you as boss, suits 'em all.
Vrinks w więzieniu, jego żona nie żyje, ty jako szef wszystkim pasujesz.
They jailed him, beat him, tried to kill him. But he keeps rising up!
Więzili go, bili, próbowali zabić, ale on się podniósł, powstał.
You could be jailed for this.
Może pani pójść za to do więzienia.
Elected representatives are being persecuted and jailed en masse.
Masowo prześladuje się wybranych przedstawicieli, osadzając ich w więzieniach.
He will be held until Vargas agrees to free the sympathisers he has jailed.
Będziemy go przetrzymywać aż Vargas zgodzi się zwolnić naszych uwięzionych zwolenników.
Those who disobeyed were jailed, tortured or executed.
Ci, którzy się sprzeciwili byli więzieni, torturowani albo traceni.
I don't want to be jailed.
Nie chcę znaleźć się w więzieniu.
And for you, you and jailed for up to one .
A dla ciebie, i osadzony w więzieniu na okres do jednego .
Man jailed over his wife's breasts.
Mężczyzna skazany przez piersi swojej żony.
An innocent man, jailed without charges.
Zamknęliście niewinnego człowieka bez postawienia mu zarzutów.
If the Gestapo comes to my house... she my get jailed as well...
I jeśli Gestapo przyjdzie do nas do domu... i wsadzi ją do więzienia...
Me, that I found you jailed in Moscow... so far away from your land...
Znalazłem w więzieniu w Moskwie... tak daleko od Twojej ojczyzny...
You'd be jailed and I'd be free.
Pójdziesz do więzienia, a ja będę wolny.
I assumed Your Eminence was not aware Revile was jailed.
Zakładam, iż Wasza Eminencja nic nie wiedział o jego uwięzieniu.
Sam Rainsy, the Opposition leader currently exiled to France, has been jailed in absentia for ten years.
Sam Rainsy, lider opozycji, obecnie przebywający na wygnaniu we Francji, został zaocznie skazany na 10 lat więzienia.
He is jailed for... unlawful courting.
On jest uwieziony za... bezprawne zaloty.
For your crime... ...you'll be jailed until our Royal Highness sentences you.
Za wasze przestępstwo... ...zostaniecie uwięzieni zanim Jej Królewska Wysokość wyda na was wyrok.
There are many people in jail, including Hu Jia, who was jailed after speaking to us here in the European Parliament via a video-conference.
Tam jest wielu ludzi w więzieniach, łącznie z Hu Jia, ktróy został uwięziony po tym jak przemawiał do nas tu w Parlamencie Europejskim w dordze videokonferencji.