(Noun) odzież, ubiór;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The burqa debate has prompted comments from politicians campaigning ahead of Australia's federal election on Saturday. Earlier this month, the opposition leader, Tony Abbott â?? who hopes to become prime minister â?? said he found the garments "confronting" and wished fewer Australians wore them.
In 2008, Charney â?? founder of the largest manufacturer producing garments in America â?? gave $25m of company shares to his employees. American Apparel still owns all its retail stores, rather than franchising them, and Charney â?? who is obsessive about his brand, throwing tantrums about everything from stock allocation to necklines â?? still holds, for the time being, a 53% stake. He explicitly resists being labelled as a manufacturing tycoon with a heart of gold, or even a Jekyll and Hyde, happily admitting that he acts not for moral reasons but because it is a better business strategy.
All but a few are from around of Wenzhou, a port in south-east China, and are drawn to Italy by an industry created from scratch in less than 20 years. Pronto moda involves importing cheap fabric, usually from China, and getting it made up to order at breakneck speeds into high-fashion garments that are then sold with "made in Italy" labels.
"We get people from all over: Spain, Greece, France, Britain, even the US and Japan," said the young man in charge. The garments on the rack beside him cost between â??2.80 (Â?2.40) and â??4.20.
Oh, I'll release you from these garments that hide your beauty.
O tak, uwolnię cię! Przede wszystkim z tych ubrań, które zasłaniają twoje piękno.
So we thought removing the garments would lessen your discomfort.
Pomyśleliśmy, że zdjęcie odzieży złagodzi wasz dyskomfort.
However, we do not have to rend our garments.
Nie trzeba jednak rozdzierać szat.
How could any female wear such ridiculous garments?
Jak kobiety mogą zakładać tak niedorzeczne przebrania?
Nobody appreciates garments here. Nobody.
Tu nikt nie docenia ubrań, Barbie.
Secondly, by 2013, the European Commission must present an impact study on the introduction of labelling, clearly showing which garments have been produced in Europe, and which outside of Europe.
Po drugie, do 2013 roku Komisja Europejska musi przedstawić analizę wyników w sprawie wprowadzenia znakowania jasno stwierdzająca, jaką odzież wyprodukowano w Europie, a jaką poza Europą.