(Noun) Elżbieta;
im. Elżbieta
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"The Knight Ridder lab is working on the software for the flatpadâ?? You can ask the current versions to read stories or information to you (handy if driving). It will do so in your voice, or in the voice of Walter Cronkite, Anna Ford, James Naughtie or Elizabeth Hurley. It offers moving graphics, video footage of news events and sports. An asterisk in the text indicates that there is visual back-up. You can interrupt an account of a World Cup match to see the penalty shoot-out the writer is describing."Among those with positive experiences were Alex Hunter and Lee Hewetson, both 25 and from Newcastle, who have quit their jobs to visit 20 countries, starting with South Africa and the World Cup. They went to Port Elizabeth for the world's biggest bungee jump, then took a 22-hour train back to Johannesburg.10am: Serbia striker Nikola Zigic says his team will not fear Germany when they met in Port Elizabeth on Friday. "We need to forget about Ghana and go for it in the remaining two matches," he said. "We won't be going for four points but for all six, although there are some permutations where a draw and a win would suffice for us. Germany were excellent against Australia but they had an one-man advantage for the entirety of the second half."Stewards at Durban's stadium say they were turned away from the venue after they complained about being underpaid by a private contractor. Police have taken over security at that site as well as other venues using the same company, in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg.Given that there is so much divorce, and so few marriages now, how can marriage bring more happiness? In Committed: A Sceptic Makes Peace With Marriage, the follow-up to her international bestseller Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert tries to answer why we make such a hash of it. She uncovers sobering facts about what sociologists call the "marriage benefit imbalance", showing that marriage is an institution that greatly benefits men, not women. A partial list: married men live longer than single men; married men accumulate more wealth than single men; married men are far less likely to die a violent death than single men; married men report themselves to be much happier than single men, and married men suffer less alcoholism, drug addiction and depression than single men. So David Cameron is doing well for a reason. But married women versus single? There's more depression, less career success and less good health in married women and, until recently, a greater chance of dying a violent death â?? usually at the hands of the men they love.It is here, perhaps, that I should declare an interest. During my talks with Figes I tell her that for so many people entering marriage â?? including me, first time round â?? they have no real idea what it truly means. I got married at 27, after six years of happy cohabitation. By the age of 30, I was divorced, scarred by the failure of it all (no children, crucially). My wedding five years ago to the man who is now my husband was my second (37% of the marriages recorded in 2008 were remarriages, a fall of 4% in 10 years). The failure of my first marriage was not enough to put me off doing it again, although second time round I thought long and hard about what it really meant. Today I am very happy, although it is by no means always easy. I think Elizabeth Gilbert gets somewhere close to it when she quotes Kant in his assertion that we humans are so emotionally complex that we go through two puberties in life: the first when our bodies are mature enough for sex, and the second when our minds are. "I do wonder if perhaps our emotional maturity comes to us only through the experiences and lessons of our youthful and romantic failures," she writes. "To ask a 20-year-old girl to somehow automatically know things about life that most 40-year-old women needed decades to understand is expecting an awful lot of wisdom from a very young person. Maybe we must all go through the anguish and errors of a first puberty, in other words, before any of us can ascend to the second one."The dead man's name is not being released yet at the request of his family, but he was a Royal Marine from 40 Commando who was gravely injured in an explosion while on patrol in the Sangin district of Helmand on 12 June. He died yesterday at the New Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham.The third painter dame is another Scot, Elizabeth Blackadder. Whether Paula Rego belongs in this company is a matter for individual judgment. I, for one, wish she had refused the fatuous DBE, content with the unadorned name she has made famous and respected throughout the art world.So when my dad and I planned to visit Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape â?? the seaside city where England will be playing their third World Cup game against Slovenia today â?? we thought long and hard about how best to incorporate a visit to a township. Without the tour bus.Jay says there were different "nuances". Michael Wood and Elizabeth Wilmshurst, the two most senior lawyers, were strongly opposed. Others took a slightly difference approach.
But you remember that no one actually heard Elizabeth's voice?
Ale pamięta pan, że nikt nie słyszał głosu Elżbiety?
I have no idea what happened to Elizabeth that night.
Nie mam pojęcia co się stało z Elizabeth tamtej nocy.
Elizabeth, I don't have to tell you how important this could be for us.
Elizabeth, nie muszę ci mówić, jak może być to dla nas ważne.
And if it is a girl, we will name her Elizabeth, after your mother.
Jeśli to będzie dziewczynka, nazwiemy ją Elizabeth, - po twojej matce.
So we're all men of our word, except for Elizabeth who is a woman.
Słowni z nas faceci. Oczywiście poza Elizabeth, która jest kobietą.
Remember those four people that moved into Elizabeth's old apartment?
Pamiętacie czterech ludzi którzy się wprowadzili do starego mieszkania Elizabeth?
Lose yourself in your work to avoid thinking about Elizabeth.
Zatracić się w pracy, aby zapomnieć o Elizabeth.
Do not think you are the only man here who cares for Elizabeth.
Niech pan nie myśli, że jest jedyną osobą, która martwi się o los Elizabeth.
Elizabeth, my wife, used to say I was a man of contradictions.
Elizabeth, moja żona, mawiała, że jestem pełen sprzeczności.
Elizabeth is the reason we moved to the north bronx.
To ze względu na Elizabeth przenieśliśmy się do północnego Bronxu.
I wonder at Elizabeth, to place such a woman under your father's nose so.
Ciekawe co skłoniło Elizabeth, do umieszczania takiej kobiety pod nosem twojego ojca?
I guess that answers the question as to whether it was really Elizabeth.
To chyba odpowiada na pytanie, czy rzeczywiście była to Elizabeth.
He was to have been married today to that lovely girl, Elizabeth.
Dziś miał się odbyć jego ślub z tą śliczną dziewczyną, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth, you're so lucky that all you have to worry about is work.
Elizabeth, jesteś szczęściarą, że musisz jedynie martwić się o pracę.
May that sweet sound guide me through my life to come, Elizabeth.
Niechaj ten słodki dźwięk prowadzi mnie przez życie.
It's very hard for Elizabeth and me to say farewell.
Ciężko jest mi i powiedzieć żegnajcie.
Surely you don't object to Elizabeth because her father has $20 million?
Chyba nie odrzucisz Elizabeth, ponieważ jej ojciec ma 20 milionów?
Elizabeth, would you please tell me, in your opinion, exactly what is happening?
Elizabeth, proszę powiedz mi, według ciebie dokładnie co się dzieje?
And you will guarantee the safety of Elizabeth, with mine.
A ty zapewnisz bezpieczeństwo Elizabeth i moje.
Even your cousin Elizabeth has conceived a son in her old age.
A oto również krewna twoja, Elżbieta, poczęła w swej starości syna.
Elizabeth just gives her some nonsense about not killing herself.
Elizabeth odpisuje jej jakieś bzdury o nie zabijaniu się.
Elizabeth Taylor, weeping in group about how she never felt beautiful.
Elizabeth Taylor, łkająca na terapii grupowej, bo nigdy nie czuła się piękna.
Believing in people isn't easy for you, is it, Elizabeth?
Niełatwo jest ci wierzyć w ludzi. Prawda, Elizabeth?
Elizabeth has been a willing participant in our goals from the very beginning.
Elizabeth ochoczo dążyła do naszych celów od samego początku.
If cole is elizabeth's biological father, why didn't your daughter tell you?
Jeśli Cole byłby biologicznym ojcem Elizabeth, dlaczego wasza córka wam tego nie powiedziała?
Elizabeth Swann, do you take me to be your husband?
Elizabeth Swann, czy bierzesz mnie za męża?
I have no more stories to tell you, Elizabeth.
Nie mam już dla ciebie żadnych opowieści, Elizabeth.
You and Elizabeth go back to the control room.
Ty i Elizabeth wracajcie do pomieszczenia kontrolnego.
Elizabeth and your father are coming to see you.
Elizabeth i pański ojciec przychodzą pana odwiedzić.
Even not but we meet each and the my Elizabeth
Nie. Ale znajdziemy go a z nim moją Elizabeth.
Will, how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?
Ile razy mam cię prosić, abyś mi mówił po imieniu?
Elizabeth. the guy was found hanging from a cross. burning.
Elizabeth, faceta znaleziono powieszonego na krzyżu... płonącego.
Elizabeth, I felt that our walk was Too short the other day.
Mam wrażenie, że nasz spacer był za krótki.
And when we broke up, I was with Elizabeth once.
Kiedy zerwaliśmy ze sobą ten jeden raz spotkałem się z Elizabeth.
Elizabeth, or I can To ask about the coffee cup?
Elizabeth, czy mogę prosić o filiżankę kawy?
I trust your family is in good health, Miss Elizabeth?
Ufam, że rodzina pani jest w dobrym zdrowiu?
I wonder, does a woman called Elizabeth work there?
Zastanawiam się tylko... Czy pracuje tam kobieta o imieniu Elizabeth?
So Elizabeth will have to ascend the throne without me.
Elżbieta będzie więc musiała wstąpić na tron beze mnie.
Except for Elizabeth who is, in fact, a woman.
Oczywiście poza Elizabeth, która jest kobietą.
Sweet, funny Elizabeth, your light always shown the brightest, baby.
Słodka, zabawna Elizabeth, twoje światło świeci najjaśniej.
Everyone who loves Elizabeth deserves a chance to say goodbye.
Wszystkim, którzy ją kochają, należy się szansa na pożegnanie.
Elizabeth has a picture of your sisters and you.
Elizabeth ma twoje zdjęcie z siostrami.
You may still think that you're Elizabeth, but you're not.
Może ci się wydawać, że wciąż jesteś Elizabeth, ale mylisz się.
It is perfectly obvious that Elizabeth has no regard for her own safety.
To oczywiste, że Elizabeth nie ma szacunku dla swojego własnego bezpieczeństwa.
I'm just saying, I have Elizabeth's best interests at heart.
Mówię tylko że mam w sercu najlepszy interes Elizabeth.
I should never have sent you to the country with Aunt Elizabeth.
Nie powinienem wysyłać cię na wieś, do cioci Elizabeth.
From now on, the little broken rake belongs to Elizabeth.
Od teraz złamane grabki należą do Elizabeth.
Only your love, my stattlich Elizabeth, can restore me into life.
Tylko twa miłość, ma szacowna Elżbieto, może przywrócić mnie do życia.
Princess Elizabeth will be having a small portion for that remark.
Księżniczka Elżbieta dostanie małą porcję za tą uwagę.
Did you hear what happened to Elizabeth Powell last night?
Słyszałaś co się przydarzyło Elizabeth Powell zeszłej nocy?