Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
This means that, unlike Dublin, Tallinn has helped to build a common future.
Oznacza to, że w odróżnieniu od Dublina, Tallin pomógł budować wspólną przyszłość.
The Convention was adopted by 107 states at a conference in Dublin in May this year.
Konwencję przyjęło 107 państw w trakcie konferencji w Dublinie w maju bieżącego roku.
If it does, that would seriously undermine the political message of the Dublin system.
Jeżeli tak, wówczas poważnie osłabiłoby to polityczne przesłanie systemu dublińskiego.
Dublin can indeed be perfected, but a great deal more needs to be done.
Rzeczywiście można poprawić rozporządzenie dublińskie, ale trzeba uczynić o wiele więcej.
What price democracy, Mr Sarkozy? You are going to Dublin on 21 July.
Demokracja za jaką cenę, panie Sarkozy? 21 lipca wybiera się pan do Dublina.
Meanwhile, the rail line linking Belfast to Dublin remains closed between Lisburn and Newry due to violence in Lurgan.
I'll also be starting the third volume of Paul Murray's Skippy Dies (Hamish Hamilton), his saga of love and death at a shabby Dublin boarding school. At nearly 700 pages it's that rare thing, a comic epic, but the prose and characterisation are so detailed and funny that it rarely drags. Murray is a brilliant comic writer, but also humane and touching, and he captures the misery and elation, joy and anxiety of teenage life.
Immediately after the death of her parents, she left England for Ireland, heading to Trinity College Dublin to read English. Leaving home for a foreign country so soon after a double bereavement might have been expected to deepen her grief; on the contrary, she says, it was "such a piece of luck in so many ways. The city opened its arms and looked after me in a way that an English city probably wouldn't have done. Everyone from my landlady to my tutors metaphorically cuddled me." One of those tutors was the poet Brendan Kennelly; after Trinity, Shapcott went to Harvard on a Harkness fellowship and studied under Seamus Heaney. While the experience of being taught by such figures was uplifting, it also, temporarily, put the kibosh on any poetic efforts of her own. Not until she was back in the UK, working as an arts administrator at the Southbank Centre, did the poetry begin to resurface. At the time she was a member of a workshop that met at the Lamb pub in Lamb's Conduit Street, and which has since become famous for launching a generation of poets: Don Paterson, Ruth Padel, Matthew Sweeney, Vicki Feaver and Michael Donaghy, among others. "It was quite something," she remembers. "I still show poems to people in that group, though our work is very different; I wouldn't call us a school, as some people have tried to. It's always been the case that poets make great efforts to see each other and talk about poetry â?? Wordsworth had to walk a long way over the hills to do it; we have workshops instead." Her life as a poet seems to be one of deep immersion punctuated by brief surfacings for gulps of air. "It's an odd but very interesting existence. It demands a lot of solitude: to write, I need to be by myself with a towel wrapped round my head. But that makes it far more intense when you do go out and exchange ideas."
Grouse Lodge is a secluded Georgian estate located down an unsigned, winding, potholed gravel drive near the village of Rosemount. It was converted into a residential recording studio in 2002 by owners Paddy and Claire Dunning, and has been used by everyone from REM to Doves, Muse to Ms Dynamite, Snow Patrol to Shirley Bassey. Paddy is a modern-day renaissance man in his mid-40s whose life at times seems only slightly less fantastical than Jackson's. He started out as a Dublin dustman and became one of the founding fathers of the resurgence of the Temple Bar district of the capital. Now his Dublin businesses include Temple Lane Studios, the Sound Training Centre, the Button Factory nightclub and The National Wax Museum Plus.
The Irish Midlands are often overlooked by people rushing from Dublin to Galway or other parts of the west coast, but it's a magical land dotted with ringforts and medieval castles. Within a few miles of Coolatore are the twin historic hills of Cnoc Aiste and Uisneach; there's Lough Ennell and Lilliput, where Jonathan Swift first conceived Gulliver's Travels (Paddy is planning on an eco village in woods near Lough Ennell, along with a seven-storey model of Gulliver); and Locke's Distillery in Kilbeggan, now a museum. There are also a few local pubs that haven't changed for decades, such as the William Fox in Loughnavalley, and Gunnings in Rathconrath, which doubles as shop, newsagent, garage and community centre.
Aer Lingus (aerlingus.com) has daily flights from London Heathrow to Dublin, Cork, Shannon and Belfast, and from London Gatwick to Dublin, Cork and Knock. One-way fares start from Â?29.99. Prices for four days' car hire in Dublin start from Â?33 (carrentals.co.uk)
Around 840,000 people were expected to pass through Heathrow â?? most travelling to New York, Dubai, Paris, Dublin and Los Angeles.
The fact is that there are remarkably few places in Dublin to sit outside and enjoy an alcoholic drink on a sunny day (and we do get the odd one). Foreign visitors to the city in the summer time must be bemused by this. Our government is addicted to banning, regulating and controlling public behaviour, so having a drink in the park or any other public space is a complete no-no. The few pubs that have outside seating areas fill up quickly, and are usually in the shade anyway.
This is what makes the Pav a real Dublin institution, even for people like me who never went to Trinity. There is simply nowhere else to stretch out on the grass on a sunny day and enjoy a cool beer without incurring the wrath of the Nanny State.
Even the Pav experience itself has been spoilt somewhat in recent years by a far heavier security presence. Given the lack of alternatives, however, it's still a great spot. As an added bonus, the cans of beer and cider are wonderfully cheap by Dublin standards, and you get to feel like you are 19 again. Almost.
I just need someone to tell me how to get to Dublin from here.
Mógłby mi ktoś powiedzieć, jak dostanę się stąd do Dublina.
Who'd have thought it'd take two days to get to Dublin?
Kto by pomyślał, że dotarcie do Dublina zajmie dwa dni?
Mike Dublin from last night, thought we would do lunch.
Mike Dublin z ostatniej nocy, myślałem, że zjemy lunch.
Not if you tell them that I've gone to Dublin, right?
Nie, jeśli im nie powiesz, że pojechałem do Dublina, dobra?
Most bands in Dublin don't last more than one gig, son.
Większość zespołów w Dublinie nie gra więcej niż jednego koncertu, synu.
There are many of them, including one from the Dublin Institute.
Jest ich wiele, włączając w to tekst z instytutu dublińskiego.
If it does, that would seriously undermine the political message of the Dublin system.
Jeżeli tak, wówczas poważnie osłabiłoby to polityczne przesłanie systemu dublińskiego.
In Dublin, 107 states adopted the convention and promised to sign it.
107 państw przyjęło w Dublinie tę konwencję i obiecało ją podpisać.
And it all goes away if Harvey Dublin is dead.
I wszystko to będzie już bez znaczenia jeśli Harvey Dublin nie żyje.
It is clear to me that the Dublin system is not perfect yet.
Oczywiste jest dla mnie, że system dubliński nie jest jeszcze perfekcyjny.
However, what we need is for the Dublin regulation to be amended without delay.
W każdym razie musimy niezwłocznie zmienić rozporządzenie dublińskie.
When can we expect changes to the Dublin system, so that these people are no longer exposed to inhuman conditions?
Kiedy możemy oczekiwać zmian systemu dublińskiego, tak by ludzie ci nie byli już dłużej narażani na nieludzkie warunki?
You must bring me the boy in Dublin.
Musisz mi sprowadzić chłopca do Dublina.
I promise it has nothing to do with Harvey Dublin.
Obiecuję, że to nie ma nic wspólnego z Harveyem Dublinem.
Dublin's the place where I learned my thing.
Dublina umieść gdzie nauczyłem się moją rzecz.
Don't worry Dublin, you were the best promoter I ever worked with.
Nie martw się Dublin, byłeś najlepszym promotorem z jakim kiedykolwiek pracowałem.
It's the same as Dublin on this site.
Tak samo jak Dublin na tej miejscu.
Dublin can indeed be perfected, but a great deal more needs to be done.
Rzeczywiście można poprawić rozporządzenie dublińskie, ale trzeba uczynić o wiele więcej.
Dublin is, of course, related to this, but it is a parallel process.
Dublin oczywiście się z tym wiąże, ale jest to proces równoległy.
There's refugees all over Dublin. You know what this treaty means for them?
Ci wszyscy uchodźcy na ulicach Dublina... ...co ten Traktat oznacza dla nich?
There was a small house on the coast near Dublin called Howth.
Jest mały dom na wybrzeżu poza Dublinem, zwany Howth.
Your wife's well installed in my house in Dublin.
Twoja żona już rozgościła się w moim domu w Dublinie.
Including the 50-page description of the blizzard that covered all of Dublin.
Włącznie z 50-cio stronnicowym opisem zamieci śnieżnej, która pokryła cały Dublin.
You're not a baby Dublin, think about it.
Nie jesteś dzieckiem Dublin, pomyśl o tym.
The Commission's proposal does not change the principles on which the Dublin system is based.
Wniosek Komisji nie zmienia zasad, na których oparty jest system dubliński.
Parliament has a clear view on the Dublin regulation and we are now waiting impatiently to be able to start the negotiations.
Parlament ma jasny pogląd na rozporządzenie dublińskie i z niecierpliwością oczekujemy możliwości rozpoczęcia negocjacji.
Michael Dublin... how nice of you to stop by.
Michael Dublin... jak miło z twojej strony.
Just call me Dublin, my friends do.
Nazywajcie mnie Dublin, tak jak przyjaciele.
That she killed a man in cold blood in Dublin and killed four cops.
Że w Dublinie zabiła z zimną krwią człowieka i czterech gliniarzy.
I saw for myself in Poland that the basic principles of the Dublin rules are not being put into practice.
W Polsce sam się przekonałem, że podstawowe przepisy dublińskie nie znajdują odzwierciedlenia w praktyce.
However, the fact remains that the Dublin system was not developed as, nor is it intended to be, an instrument for burden-sharing.
Jednakże faktem jest, że system dubliński nie powstał jako instrument rozdziału obciążeń i nie temu ma służyć.
However, the evaluation of the Dublin system made by the Commission has shown that there is room for improvement.
Jednak ocena systemu dublińskiego przeprowadzona przez Komisję pokazała, że jest co poprawiać.
We're here in Dublin, recording the new songs.
Jesteśmy tutaj w Dublinie, nagrywamy nowe piosenki, prawda?
When is the next train to Dublin?
Kiedy odjeżdża kolejny pociąg do Dublina?
Direct from London, a group whose heart is in Dublin, Ireland.
Na żywo z Londonu, zespół, którego serce bije w Dublinie, w Irlandii.
Mr. Dublin was notthat sort of man at all.
Pan Dublin nie był tym typem mężczyzny
I never thought I'd see you in Dublin.
Nie sądziłam, że cię kiedykolwiek zobaczę w Dublinie.
Fifteen years ago in Ireland, drug addiction was confined to Dublin.
Piętnaście lat temu w Irlandii narkomanów można było spotkać tylko w Dublinie.
I feel that following the Dublin vote history dictates that we consider other, more urgent issues.
Sądzę, że w obliczu głosowania w Dublinie historia nakazuje nam zajęcie się innymi, bardziej pilnymi sprawami.
This means that, unlike Dublin, Tallinn has helped to build a common future.
Oznacza to, że w odróżnieniu od Dublina, Tallin pomógł budować wspólną przyszłość.
It goes without saying that here again, Dublin II will be applied.
To jasne, że również tu ponownie zastosowane zostaną przepisy rozporządzenia Dublin II.
Then all of Dublin can throw a hooley.
A wtedy cały Dublin będzie świętował.
If the Dublin system already does not operate as it should, how will it work with the new initiatives on migration?
Jeżeli system dubliński już teraz nie funkcjonuje tak, jak powinien, jak będzie działał on po wdrożeniu nowych inicjatyw migracyjnych?
Dublin II cannot continue in its current form.
Dublin II nie może nadal pozostać w swej obecnej formie.
Dublin's debt of gratitude to Europe is obvious.
Dług wdzięczności Dublina wobec Europy jest oczywisty.
Finally, for us it is vital that we reform the Dublin II system.
Na koniec chciałabym powiedzieć, że istotne jest dla nas zreformowanie systemu Dublin II.
Some have criticised the proposals on Dublin and on reception conditions for being too generous.
Niektórzy skrytykowali wnioski dotyczące systemu dublińskiego w sprawie warunków przyjmowania, uznając je za nazbyt wspaniałomyślne.
The new Dublin regulation must put a stop to mass returns to the first Member State.
Nowe rozporządzenie dublińskie musi umożliwić powstrzymywanie masowych odesłań uchodźców do pierwszego państwa członkowskiego.
Dublin, because it keeps on doublin' and doublin' in size!
Dublin, bo ta nazwa oznacza: podwajać i podwajać rozmiar!