Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


a vista

Słownik finansowy angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

kontrola~ account US rachunek bieżący ~ deposits wkłądy na żądanie

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Słownik nieruchomości angielsko-polski

1. kontrola
2. pęknięcia powierzchniowe

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Słownik terminów Unii Europejskiej angielsko-polski


Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

legitymowanie; sprawdzanie, sprawdzenie
~ an order - sprawdzanie rozkazu
~, complement - sprawdzanie stanu liczebnego
~, condition - sprawdzanie stanu, sprawdzanie sprawności
~, identity - sprawdzanie tożsamości
~ of suspected persons - legitymowanie podejrzanych osób
~, quality - kontrola jakości
~ readings - sprawdzanie odczytów
~, spot - sprawdzanie wyrywkowe

Słownik gospodarki wodno-ściekowej angielsko-polski

~ compliance - sprawdzanie zgodności
~ for leaks sprawdzanie przecieków
~ readings sprawdzanie odczytów
~ regulatory compliance sprawdzanie zgodności z przepisami
~ water meter readings sprawdzanie odczytów wodomierza
~ water meters sprawdzanie wodomierzy

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Could you survive for a week without checking your email or looking at the internet? How about no mobile phone and making it two weeks?
But the tipping point came when someone who I thought I admired started announcing to me in 140 characters or less that Marvin Gaye was overrated. Pathetic, I know, but the mere fact I'd allowed myself to get annoyed by something so petty only hardened my conviction. It was obvious that I was the only one making myself angry. So I decided the best option was not to look, and cancelled my account. And then I just kept going. This need to wipe the slate clean, to de-clutter â?? or at least de-complicate â?? my life, took over. I needed a holiday from the world of stuff. So I decided on a very literal form of regressive therapy: I was going to go offline, to see if I could last a week without looking at a website or checking my email; to somehow re-connect by disconnecting.
But I won't pretend it wasn't without its difficulties. As time went by and I got into the habit of checking in with the people I needed to talk to, hopefully pre-empting any electronic conversations, I found ever more subtle pitfalls lying in wait. For instance, I'd never before considered the implied rudeness of talking to someone when you've clearly avoided reading their last email. I soon learned to brazen it out by saying, "Oh sorry, I've not opened my inbox yet."
You only have to go back five years for the digital landscape to alter radically. Back to a strange offline world: pre-Facebook, pre-Twitter. (Interestingly enough, the latter predates the former. At least I'm pretty sure that's true. Obviously I haven't been able to Google it.) YouTube, which now has "well over a billion views a day" only came into existence in February 2005. Crucially, five years ago was also before third-generation phones taken their hold: when reading breaking news, checking your location on a map or updating your friends on your lunch wasn't something most of us did with a device we carried around in our pockets, if at all.
My personal journey to the iPad began around 16 years ago in Aspen, Colorado. Rumours of what the internet was capable of doing to the news business had reached London, and the only way of checking them out was to fly to America and find out.
Of the two, Union Atlantic is the more conventional, in that it is the sort of big picture, multi-character novel that we are accustomed to American authors producing â?? the kind of work Franzen himself might have written. At its centre is Doug Fanning, a former naval officer who, after quitting the service in the late 1980s (he was heavily decorated despite having been responsible for blowing up an Iranian passenger jet), pursues a stratospherically successful career at Union Atlantic, a Boston bank. When he joined, Union Atlantic made most of its money from "checking accounts to the public". But as head of its Department of Special Plans, Doug has spearheaded a rapid drive into casino banking, turning Union Atlantic into one of the four largest financial companies in the country. Exploiting the new climate of deregulation, Doug employs various not-quite-legal methods, including creating a holding company whose sole purpose is to facilitate "lending across the house", from the company's commercial to its investment arm. "This wasn't illegal, strictly speaking, but the lawyers and auditors knew enough to keep the details in the footnotes," Haslett writes. Doug isn't a Bernie Madoff, then, but he isn't far from being a Jeff Skilling.
Critics argue that education can only do so much. At the inquest into the death of Meryem Ozekman, a fitness instructor and mother who was killed as she cycled between lessons in April 2009, scaffolding lorry driver Mark Ellis said, "I'm an experienced driver. I'm always checking my mirrors but you can't see all of them all the time."
The low-lit corridors beyond have little of the scruffiness and bustle you often find at charities. The fast- expanding foundation staff (presently around 850 employees) are in increasing demand around the world: meeting governments, attending summits and conferences, and above all "in the field", as foundation people put it, checking on the progress of the hundreds of projects â?? from drought-tolerant seeds to malaria vaccines to telephone banking for the developing world â?? to which the organisation has given grants since it was founded in 1994.
Then, on COINS, the completed records are audited. The auditing involves the WGA team checking that each exchange of money between departments is accurately recorded by both parties.
I discussed it extensively with friends, as well as checking the Transsexual Road Map's page on coming out to parents. A letter seemed best: I handwrote three pages, starting with the present and then explaining my past in the context of my gender issues. Then, I figured, they could digest it and respond when they felt ready. Trembling, I posted it: there was no going back.

You have to keep checking me out all the time?
Musisz mnie sprawdzać cały czas?

I can't be checking up on you every 5 minutes.
Nie mogę cię sprawdzać co pięć minut.

Just checking in. Wanted to see how our boy is doing.
Tylko sprawdzam, jak się trzyma nasz chłopak.

Did you see how he looked around, checking everyone out?
Widziałeś jak się rozgląda, wszystkim się przygląda?

Looks like you're the one who needs checking up on.
Wygląda na to, że to ty potrzebujesz pomocy.

I can't make a deal without checking with you first?
Nie będę podpisywać umów bez porozumienia z tobą?

I walked down the street, everybody was checking me out.
Ja pracuję na ulicy i wszyscy mnie sprawdzają.

They are checking on me to see if there is woman here.
Sprawdzają mnie. Chcą wiedzieć czy jest tu jakaś kobieta.

Would you mind going up there and checking it out?
Mógłbyś wejść tam i sprawdzić?

I'm not going in Sunday without checking out the security.
Nie idę w niedzielę bez sprawdzenia zabezpieczeń.

If that's the case, then why is he turning around and checking you out!
Jeżeli tak jest, to dlaczego kręci się dookoła i patrzy na ciebie!

Don't talk to anyone without checking with me first. Okay?
Nie rozmawiaj z nikim bez konsultacji ze mną, dobrze?

I don't need you checking on me every five seconds.
Słuchaj, nie musisz mnie sprawdzać co 5 sekund, dobra?

Maybe he was checking out a lead and needed protection.
Może sprawdzał trop i potrzebował ochrony.

For a half an hour the experts checking our work. and finally they’re ready.
Przez pół godziny sprawdzają eksperci nasze drukarskie dzieła. Na wszystkie możliwe sposoby.

I'm just checking out the side of the house, okay?
Sprawdzę tylko drugą stronę domu, dobra?

You did all this because I opened up a checking account?
To wszystko zawdzięczam temu, że otworzyłem konto w banku?

And we have no way of checking on them without any field agents.
I nie mamy możliwości ich sprawdzenia bez agentów operacyjnych.

I was checking if you were in there and picked it up.
Tylko sprawdzałem czy tam byłaś i czasem nie wzięłaś.

I just want to apologize for not checking in with you guys.
Chcę tylko przeprosić za nie meldowanie się wam.

No, but we were all outside, checking out the storm.
Nie, ale wszyscy byliśmy na zewnątrz, wypatrując sztormu.

I'm just checking about if the going abroad thing is set yet.
tylko sprawdzam około jeżeli wyjeżdżanie za granicę rzecz jest ustawiona jeszcze.

They came by the other day when I was outside checking the ramp.
Wpadły tu tego dnia, gdy byłem na dworze i sprawdzałem podjazd.

Is something wrong? - I was just checking with an associate.
Czy coś jest nie tak? - Sprawdzałem tylko z moim współpracownikiem...

Ah, someone else is checking out that bed right now.
Ach, ktoś właśnie w nim śpi.

We'll be checking in with you throughout the night, Floyd.
Będziemy się z tobą konsultować w trakcie wieczoru, Floyd.

I was just checking to see if Juliet wants it.
Chciałem sprawdzić, czy może Juliet będzie ją chciała.

You won't want to get busted checking out your own picture.
Chyba nie chcesz, żeby cię przyłapali gapiącego się na własne zdjęcie.

I'm sure he's just checking his reflection in the glass.
Jestem pewna, że sprawdza swoje odbicie w szybie.

Just checking to see if you need a ride to the Springs.
Sprawdzam, czy nie potrzebujesz transport do Springs.

That should buy us another five minutes before they start checking other floors.
To powinno nam dać kolejne 5 minut zanim zaczną sprawdzać inne piętra.

Is my friend Carol, from the bank, checking up on you.
To moja przyjaciółka Carol, z banku, sprawdza cię.

Yes, and he appears to be checking the guest list. Which we're not on.
Tak i najwidoczniej sprawdzał listę gości - na której nas nie ma.

Our committees will have to take on a much bigger role in checking.
Nasze komisje będą musiały przyjąć na siebie większą odpowiedzialność polegającą na kontrolowaniu.

It's her only transaction since checking in to the hotel.
To jej jedyna transakcja od czasu zameldowania się w hotelu.

L don't want you talking to any reporters without checking with me.
Nie chcę żebyś rozmawiała z jakimikolwiek reporterami bez kontaktu ze mną.

I was just, um, checking what stuff my mum took with her.
I tylko, um, sprawdzałem, które rzeczy moja mama wzięła ze sobą.

We can't have a party with Vernon checking every few seconds.
Możemy mieć przyjęcie z Vernonem sprawdzającym nas ci kilka sekund.

And here comes Quinn, checking in before he heads to the station.
Oto i Quinn, sprawdza, zanim pojedzie na posterunek.

I was checking to make sure the paper printed my ad.
Sprawdzam, żeby mieć pewność czy dobrze wydrukowali moje ogłoszenie?

The representative from Chicago's been here all week checking out my best inspectors.
Przedstawiciele Inspektoratu Chicago spędzili tu cały tydzień, obserwując moich najlepszych inspektorów.

We're just checking all the residents who received tickets in this district.
Sprawdzamy mieszkańców, którzy dostali mandaty w tym okręgu.

What, has he got you checking up on me?
Co on ma się kontroli na mnie?

We're just checking something out for an old friend.
Sprawdzamy coś dla jednej ze starych przyjaciółek.

We are checking the area around the cell tower, sir.
Sprawdzamy obszar wokół wieży komórkowej, sir.

That girl in the wolf outfit is checking you out.
Dziewczyna w przebraniu wilka zerka na ciebie.

I was checking to see if my phone was working.
Sprawdzałem, czy mój telefon działa.

Just checking if you're one of the good guys.
Sprawdzam, czy jesteś ten dobry.

Well there's a camera in the lobby, and I was just checking the tape.
Cóż, w korytarzu jest kamera. Właśnie sprawdzałem taśmę.

No, that's the guy we had checking up on Angelo.
Nie, to ten facet, który miał dla nas sprawdzić Angela.