Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) głupek; koka;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

10.20am I've had several emails about Brazil's chances and why I haven't - to quote Charlie Richards - "bigged them up." Of course Brazil have a chance of winning the World Cup; they're second favourites, have won it five times already and have three of the best defenders in the tournament (I'm including Julio Cesar in that). But the rest of the spine is more brittle: Gilberto looked past it for Arsenal a couple of seasons back, so can he really keep it together if Xavi and co start pinging passes around him? Elsewhere, Felipe Melo hardly covered himself in glory at Juve, Kaka has had a poor season and there doesn't seem to be someone to cover him, while Luis Fabiano - who admittedly has scored 25 goals in 37 international matches - has been indifferent for Sevilla. Of course after saying that they'll probably romp to victory ... but still.
Charlie Kronick, senior climate advisor for Greenpeace, said the lessons of the Gulf spill were that "chasing the last drops of oil" carried huge risks and the likelihood of accidents and unreliable dividends was likely to rise.
Top tips: Good Times! by Justin Lee Collis, My Bonnie by John Suchet, Halcyon River Diaries by Philippa Forrester and Charlie Hamilton-James, Operation Mincemeat by Ben Macintyre, Road to the Dales: The Story of a Yorkshire Lad by Gervase Phinn
Kurtley Beale made one slicing midfield break and came closer than anyone to crossing the try-line but both sides found the ball slippery and phase-play elusive. Two penalties apiece for Charlie Hodgson and Barnes made it 6-6 at half-time and a third successful kick from Barnes in the 53rd minute briefly threatened to condemn England to more strife.
Charlie Kronick, of Greenpeace, said Hayward was "rubbing salt into the wounds" of people affected by the crisis. "The whole process has been a disaster but what is far worse is that BP's recklessness caused the accident in the first place. What has happened in the Gulf of Mexico is as a result of Hayward's own agenda to go for the marginal, unconventional barrels of oil."
Her editor at Andersen Press, Charlie Sheppard, said that they had been in touch with Elias for many months, and had sent him an early version of the book to look at. "We spoke to Buddy, we spoke to [Anne Frank's] biographer, we spoke endlessly about each word," she said, "because the last thing anyone wanted was to cause any offence."
Haqqani (right) received generous support from the CIA and was a favourite of Charlie Wilson, the flamboyant Texan congressman backing the war, who called him "goodness personified". Haqqani was also celebrated in the Middle East as a folk hero of the jihad.
Like pies? Then you will love the Raven. This Camra-friendly boozer (no fruit machines, no music, good beers, convivial chatter) serves eight varieties of pie produced by the award-winning Bristol company, Pieminister. These include one made exclusively for the Raven, a superb beef and ale number that's full of rich, slow-cooked flavours. The kitchen, however, could and should finesse the extras. Both mash and gravy are passable, but the gravy could be punchier and mustard mash is a touch lumpy and underseasoned. . In fact, if you're looking for something a bit more gastro, perhaps try the nearby Garrick's Head (7 & 8 St Johns Place, +44 (0)1225 318368; garricksheadpub.com). What its rather bling interior - pink walls with huge silver cloches pinned to them! - lacks in taste, the food more than makes up for. One of three local pubs owned by chef Charlie Digney, the Garrick gets expensive at night, but, at lunch, it does a selection of sandwiches and cheaper core dishes (burger, Caesar salad, fish 'n' chips, all Â?9.95). â?? Pie, mash, gravy, Â?8.20; other food from Â?4.10. 6-7 Queen Street, Bath, +44 (0)1225 425045; theravenofbath.co.uk
In the less-than-glamorous setting of a sweltering airport tarmac in Vienna, the 14 agents switched planes in a simple but significant hour-long manoeuvre intended to ensure that US-Russian relations were not derailed by the exposure of Russia's deep-cover agents in suburban America. It wasn't quite Checkpoint Charlie or the Glienicke bridge in Berlin, famous for cold war-era spy swaps. But it was Vienna, with its rich history of espionage intrigue, to which can now be added a curious footnote.
"I'm still cultivating myself and figuring out myself and finding out even more crazy things about me," she nods, before pointing out that she recorded the video for her single, Tightrope, in the Palace Of The Dogs. A sanitarium that she insists exists (though it appears to be fictional according to the power of Google), the Palace allegedly housed the likes of Charlie Parker and Jimi Hendrix, and, by her own admittance, herself. "I was a patient there," she announces, but archly refuses to say any more. "I can't really talk about it cos it still exists, and I've signed a clause where I can't disclose information, but I recorded music there so â??"

Charlie, you want to sit over here next to me?
Charlie nie chcesz usiąść koło mnie?

He wants to sit down with me you and charlie today.
Chce się dzisiaj spotkać ze mną, tobą i Charliem.

What do you say we go to the hospital, Charlie?
Co byś powiedział, gdybyśmy pojechali do szpitala, Charlie?

Why are you the only one who can see me, Charlie?
Jak to jest, że jesteś jedynym, który Widzę, Charlie?

Tell me about what happened the last time Charlie was over.
Proszę powiedzieć mi, co wydarzyło się, kiedy Charlie ostatni raz was odwiedził?

Only because we never see you out at night, Charlie.
Tylko dlatego, że cię nie widywałam, Charlie.

What if we had the phone of someone who called Charlie?
A przyda się telefon kogoś, kto do niego dzwonił?

Charlie, at some point we all have to let go.
Charlie, w pewnym momencie wszyscy odejdziemy.

I only hope Charlie knows what she's getting herself into.
Mam tylko nadzieję, że Charhie wie w co się pakuje.

You got a great way of looking at life, Charlie.
Masz wspaniały sposób patrzenia na życie Charlie.

My career is really important to me right now, Charlie.
Moja kariera jest teraz dla mnie bardzo ważna, Charlie.

One day, Charlie saw something he never wanted to see.
Pewnego dnia Charlie zobaczył coś czego nigdy nie chciał ujrzeć.

Call Charlie, tell him to come to work early tonight.
Zadzwoń do Charliego i powiedz mu, żeby dziś był wcześniej.

Charlie, is there a part in your movie for me?
Charlie, czy jest rola w twoim filmie dla mnie?

Charlie and my father are both there, with his family.
Charlie i mój tata są w jego domu z jego rodziną.

David came over to Charlie's to have dinner with us.
David przyszedł do Charliego, żeby zjeść z nami obiad.

Are you sure that's what Charlie wrote on his hand?
Jesteś pewien, że właśnie to Charlie napisał na ręce?

If Charlie spending time with you is the best thing for him.
Jeśli Charlie nie będzie spędzał czasu z tobą będzie to najlepszą rzeczą dla niego.

And we need to find Charlie before something happens to her.
Musimy znaleźć Charlie, zanim jej coś się stanie.

Yeah, Charlie was getting a lot of respect inside the house.
Tak, Charlie był bardzo szanowany w domu.

Charlie, both we can put us in serious problems, you know?
Charlie, oboje możemy się wpakować w poważne kłopoty, wiesz o tym?

Charlie, man, this is not a good start to our year.
Charlie, człowiek, to nie jest dobry początek do naszego roku.

Charlie, you were supposed to meet us at the fight.
Charlie, miałeś się pojawić na walce. - Wybacz. Kto walczył?

Charlie, look at your dad and tell me what's wrong.
Charlie, spójrz na tatę i powiedz, co jest nie tak.

Charlie, you have had it out for this guy from day one.
Charlie, Ty miałeś coś do tego gościa od dnia, w którym go poznałeś.

If anyone gets the room across from me, it's Charlie.
Jeżeli ktoś dostanie ten pokój, naprzeciwko mojego, to tylko Charlie.

You let them know that this is a war, Charlie.
Musisz wiedzieć, że to jest wojna. Musisz stąd uciec.

Don't get to be my age with nothing but this, Charlie.
Nie dopuść do tego aby nic nie posiadać będąc w moim wieku, Charlie.

I kind of just don't know what to say, Charlie.
Nie wiem, co powiedzieć, Charlie.

Ok, Charlie, just get him to the church on time.
Ok, Charlie, po prostu przyprowadź go do kościoła na czas.

I thought Charlie could use some help with those pictures.
Pomyślałem, że Charlie mógłby mi trochę pomóc z tymi obrazami.

Charlie, you started off on the wrong foot with my first wife.
Charlie, źle się nastawiłeś do mojej pierwszej żony.

I always thought that you and Charlie had a really great marriage.
Zawsze myślałam, że ty i Charlie jesteście udanym małżeństwem.

I am the only one who knows exactly where your sweet Charlie is.
Jestem jedynym, który dokładnie wie, gdzie jest twoja urocza Charlie.

We finally found the house where the family who bought charlie had moved to.
Znaleźliśmy w końcu ten dom, gdzie przeniosła się rodzina, która kupiła Charliego.

Charlie loved those boys so much, he just couldn't face the truth.
Charlie kochał tych chłopców tak bardzo, że nie chciał pogodzić się z prawdą.

Charlie thinks that she has something to see with its last work.
Charlie mówił, że to może mieć coś wspólnego z jego ostatnim zadaniem.

Charlie, now, what did you have to do that for?
Karol teraz dla czego musiałeś zrobić to?

Because, Charlie - this is for the rest of your life.
Bo, Charlie, to jest na całe życie.

Charlie, I didn't mean for any of this to happen.
Charlie, nie chciałam żeby to wszystko się stało.

And apparently the woman that our poor charlie is in love with.
I najwyraźniej kobieta w której zakochał się nasz biedny Charlie.

Sorry, Charlie, was there something else you wanted to say?
Przepraszam Charlie, chciałeś coś powiedzieć ?

About a year ago, Charlie had a house in jersey.
Rok temu Charlie miał dom w Jersey.

Charlie told me that you were the biggest loss in his life.
Charlie powiedział mi, że byłaś największą stratą w jego życiu.

Charlie T will show us how to open the safe.
Oharlie T. pokaże nam, jak otworzyć sejf.

I was with your mother and Charlie when they dragged me off.
Byłam z twoją matką i Charliem, kiedy mnie zawinęli.

Charlie, your father took his own life, is that correct?
Charlie, twój ojciec odebrał sobie życie, czy to prawda?

When we first got married, Charlie read me a chapter every night.
Gdy się pobraliśmy, Charlie czytał mi co wieczór jeden rozdział.

Charlie, I don't feel like screening a movie with you right now.
Charlie, nie chcę teraz robić z Tobą filmu.

It may look old now, but Charlie's room is still very comfortable.
Wygląda staro, ale pokój Charliego jest wygodny.