(Noun) geografia stan Arizona;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
This one is a little L-shaped strip shopping center in Phoenix, Arizona.
To jest małe centrum handlowe w kształcie litery L w Phoenix w Arizonie.
Here it's in Scottsdale, Arizona, and it's called "Floating Memories."
To znajduje się w Scottsdale, w Arizonie i nosi tytuł "Dryfujące wspomnienia".
And typically that has meant retiring to the easy chair, or going down to Arizona to play golf.
I zazwyczaj chodzi tu o emeryturę na bujanym fotelu albo granie w golfa w Arizonie.
We looked at mesas in New Mexico. ~~~ We were looking at dead volcanoes in Arizona.
Przeszukaliśmy suche południowo-zachodnie tereny, wydmy w Nowym Meksyku, wymarłe wulkany Arizony.
We flew to Arizona -- the designer who works with me, and myself -- and photographed this one.
Polecieliśmy do Arizony -- grafik, który ze mną pracuje i ja -- -- i sfotografowaliśmy coś takiego.
Something had been festering in the American undergrowth. Calling themselves a militia, gatherings of extremely right-wing men (and some women) were crawling around the backwoods in camouflage fatigues playing war games against a loosely termed "federal government". Absurd, certainly, but the movement had a seriously dangerous core. Back then I explored this group and some of its more (preposterous) propositions: there should be an uprising against "The New World Order", of which the US government was a puppet; there was a site in Nevada where the militias believed a crashed UFO had been taken, the government plotting with aliens. The movement's leadership in Indiana were apparently preparing for armed insurrection, and a training compound in Arizona was headed by a man Timothy McVeigh knew, William Cooper, who threatened me when I tried to visit. In Cooper's 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse, he insisted that the prison transfer centre in Oklahoma City was a "concentration camp" for those resisting the New World Order of the Antichrist. In November 1994, on his radio station, Cooper issued a call to arms: the militias should be ready, he said, to "fight a war" within six months. Closer to hand, at another compound called Elouhim City â?? visited by McVeigh â?? the leader of the Oklahoma militia, Robert Millar, urged his followers to "take whatever action necessary against the US government". A few weeks later, McVeigh and Nichols parked a rented Ryder truck packed with 2.15 tonnes of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil outside the Murrah Building, lit a fuse and walked away.
Kingsolver isn't alone in that conviction, but she's one of the few writers working today who is both intently political, and genuinely bestselling. Her 1998 breakthrough novel, The Poisonwood Bible, has sold more than 4m copies and is regarded as one of the most popular book club novels of all time â?? not bad when you consider that, at heart, it's an attack on colonialist policies in Africa. Her first book was a work of oral history, Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983; the book which preceded The Lacuna was Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, an account of a year spent living off the land in Appalachia. She attributes her humanitarian values to her upbringing. Her father was a doctor in the rural part of Kentucky where she grew up, treating patients who often "couldn't pay for his services". She came to think of her parents as "very brave. They raised me with a model that I couldn't question."
The Fremont move is just the latest in a spate of community efforts to restrict immigration, the most extreme of which is a state-wide law in Arizona that starts at the end of July requiring police to check the identification of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. The Obama administration is expected to file a lawsuit against the law next week.
The fire fight occurred in a sparsely populated area about 12 miles (20km) from the Arizona border, near the city of Nogales, that is considered a prime corridor for immigrant and drug smuggling.
Gang violence near the Arizona border has led to calls from officials in the US state for greater control of the border and is one reason given for a controversial law passed in April requiring Arizona police to ask people about their immigration status in certain situations.
It's as if the whole area is turning into a tourist ghost town, for which the west is renowned. But this is not supposed to be a ghost town. This is bustling Phoenix, capital of Arizona and one of America's fastest growing and most dynamic metropolises.
Diaz says his clients are fleeing a controversial new immigration law that comes into effect throughout Arizona on 29 July. SB 1070 amounts to the harshest crackdown against undocumented immigrants that has been made in any part of the US for a generation. It has put Arizona in the centre of a nationwide foment about immigration that is pitting individual states against the Obama administration, whites against Hispanics.
"They are taking our jobs" is another key assumption. But as research by the Morrison Institute for Public Policy at Arizona State University has shown, undocumented immigrants create jobs and support services through the taxes they pay on wages and purchases.
All these examples suggest that by adopting SB 1070, Arizona is economically shooting itself in the foot. But there are others who oppose the new law for reasons more fundamental than self-interest.
Bobbie, who has lived in Phoenix for 31 years, is now saving up money to leave Arizona for Las Vegas or Florida. She sees what is happening as a violation of her rights as an American. "They are telling me who I can and cannot marry. My kids are American, yet they look Hispanic, so are they going to be pulled over and questioned too? It feels like I'm no longer in America."
I'm going to Arizona for a little while to get them set up.
Poszliśmy do Arizona, przez jakiś czas, aby wrócić stanąć na własnych nogach.
Where exactly in Arizona are you supposed to meet your friends?
Gdzie w Arizonie masz się spotkać ze swoimi przyjaciółmi?
The folks who left last week are probably in Arizona by now.
Ludzie, którzy wyjechali w zeszłym tygodniu, prawdopodobnie teraz są w Arizonie.
Do you know it's still illegal to be black in Arizona?
Czy ty wiesz, że bycie czarnym w Arizonie jest jeszcze nielegalne?
But don't worry, we have a lead on him, somewhere in central Arizona.
Nie martw się, jesteśmy na jego tropie. Jest gdzieś w centrum Arizony.
Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan?
Czy ludzie z Arizony nie powinni być opaleni?
I bought these in Arizona when we were stationed there.
Kupiłam to, gdy stacjonowaliśmy w Arizonie.
You can finish that script on the way to Arizona.
Możesz skończyć ten scenariusz w drodze do Arizony.
Like a magnificent phoenix, or some other town in Arizona.
Jak przepiękny feniks, czy inne miasto w Arizonie.
Maybe you just don't want to move to Arizona.
Może zwyczajnie nie chcesz przeprowadzić się do Arizony.
They'll cover every possible which way from Texas to Arizona.
Obstawią każde przejście przez granicę, od Teksasu do Arizony.
Mom arranged it for her to go someplace in Arizona.
Mama załatwiła jej pobyt gdzieś w Arizonie.
Three years ago, I worked for a club in Arizona.
Trzy lata temu pracowałam w klubie w Arizonie.
My brother has a nice place out in Arizona.
Mój brat ma całkiem niezłe miejsce, gdzieś w Arizonie.
I used that name at a topless bar in Arizona.
Używałam tego imienia w barze toples w Arizonie.
My father owned the 3rd largest copper mine in Arizona.
Mój ojciec miał trzeciąco do wielkości kopalnie miedzi w Arizonie.
She didn't have any relatives, except for those idiots in Arizona.
Ona nie miała żadnych krewnych, z wyjątkiem tych idiotów w Arizonie.
One more stop in Arizona, and I'm headed home for a month.
Jeszcze tylko przystanek w Arizonie, i jadę do domu na miesiąc.
And how the plane could've ended up in arizona.
Pilota, swoją dziewczynę i jak samolot znalazł się w Arizonie.
You drag me out to Arizona, to the goddamn horse races.
Wyciągnąłeś mnie do Arizony na cholerne wyścigi konne...
I never got a chance to tell you congratulations on Arizona State.
Nie miałam okazji pogratulować ci dostania się na uniwerek.
I don't know. It's a pretty long drive to Arizona.
Nie wiem, do Arizony jest długa droga.
And now annie's leaving, And i hear you're going to arizona.
A teraz Annie wyjeżdża, a ty przeprowadzasz się do Arizony.
I hope you go to college in Arizona.
Mam nadzieję, że idziesz do koledżu w Arizonie.
I know where all the prettiest girls live, from Arizona to Texas.
Wiem gdzie mieszkają wszystkie najładniejsze dziewczyny od Arizony po Texas.
He wants me to come on to Arizona.
Chce żebym przyjechała do Arizony.
Gravano was living large down in Arizona, all on that federal tit.
Gravano żył jak król w Arizonie, a wszystko z federalnego cycka.
Now, he got another taker in Arizona, but I was first.
Ma chętnego w Arizonie, ale ja byłem pierwszy.
Arizona 2, we have orders not to move.
Arizona 2, mamy rozkazy nie ruszać się.
Do you know anything about Arizona and that nurse Colleen?
Wiesz coś o Arizonie i tej pielęgniarce Collen?
He splits his time between Arizona and a place in Montana.
Dzielił swój czas między Arizoną, a domem w Montanie.
But remember it's still business as usual at Unpainted Arizona.
Ale pamiętajcie Niemalowana Arizona... otwarta jak zwykle.
Ives asked me to go to Tucson, Arizona on a job.
Ives poprosił mnie abym wyjechał do Tucson w Arizonie.
He wouldn't have wanted them scattered in Arizona.
On nie chciałby, żeby rozsypały się gdzieś w Arizonie.
This is bigger than the state of Arizona.
jest większy niż stan Arizona.
My parents had a condo in arizona, So my mom's there permanently now.
Moi rodzice mieli mieszkanie w Arizonie, więc mama przeniosła się tam na stałe.
No, she divorced me and moved to Arizona.
Nie, rozwiedliśmy się i wyjechała do Arizony.
We have the death penalty here in Arizona.
W Arizonie mamy karę śmierci.
Chase took a job at the Mayo clinic in Arizona.
Chase pracuje w Klinice Mayo w Arizonie.
We heard about you from some friends in Arizona who were in Vietnam.
Dostałyśmy na was namiary od przyjaciół z Arizony, którzy byli w Wietnamie.
If you can find lower prices anywhere, my name still ain't Nathan Arizona!
Jeśli znajdziecie gdzieś niższe ceny... to ja nadal nie nazywam się Nathan Arizona.
I still don't understand what is so special... about this Arizona State.
Nadal nie rozumiem co jest takiego niezwykłego... w stanie Arizona.
He's from some little backwards town in Arizona.
Jest z jakieś małego miasteczka w Arizonie.
Well, the call to the waitress came from Flagstaff, Arizona.
Telefon do kelnerki pochodził z Flagstaff, Arizona.
Arizona is still carried on NavY lists as a fighting ship of the line.
Arizona jest wciąż na liście Marynarki jako jeden z lepszych okrętów bojowych.
He was telling me all about Arizona.
Opowiadał mi o Arizonie.
This is Sand Rock, Arizona, on a late evening in early spring.
Oto miasteczko Sand Rock w Arizonie, w wiosenny wieczór.
We should be in Arizona by now.
Powinniśmy być teraz w Arizonie.
I'm calling because—Well, I just got a very disturbing call from Arizona.
Dzwonię z Honolulu. Właśnie dostałam bardzo niepokojący telefon z Arizony.
I'm a grad student at Arizona State and I was here last week.
Jestem z Arizona State, byłam tu w zeszłym tygodniu.