drogi dojazdowe
n nawig. podejście
fortyf. przykopy; aprosze
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Project Prevention's British volunteers are twitchy. Their spokesperson, Sara Stocks, wishes Harris had never gone to Glasgow. "Some approaches don't travel," she says, carefully. "What is actually enthusiasm and commitment can look a bit hard-headed, gung-ho and careless when it comes across the Atlantic." Project Prevention UK will be different, she tells me, with a focus on cooperation with existing health, drug and social workers, and a managed media policy.For many health professionals, who have their own financial incentives to consider, these results will be depressing. If only overweight patients could be more like dogs, albeit dogs who respond to tenners as opposed to Good Boy chocolate drops. Money already works, after all, with one-off bungs for things such as chlamydia screening, vaccinations, keeping appointments. And, where weight is concerned, it seems to do the trick with supermodels. In Kent, however, patients will not get out of bed for Â?70. The outcome of this pilot hardly challenges other public health studies suggesting that modest financial incentives do not achieve weight loss at 18 months and that, where permanent shifts in behaviour are concerned, cash prizes should be deployed, if at all, alongside possibly more respectful approaches such as personal support, education, sustained interest in an individual."The crisis demonstrated the need for new regulatory approaches and more intense supervision, and the FSA has already implemented major change. But it also demonstrated the need to bridge the gap between macro-prudential policy and the supervision of individual firms. The chancellor's proposals for prudential regulation will enable us to do that, while building on the major changes we have made over the last few years. The timescale will enable us to manage the transition in a smooth and orderly way."As he approaches his 70th birthday (and his Old Testament allowance of three score years and 10), it is clear that Jackson, who is married to his childhood sweetheart and has five children, remains determined to stay in public life. His reputation was dented in 2001 by the revelation that he had fathered a secret daughter from an adulterous relationship with a former employee, but one gets the sense that Jackson could survive almost anything.There was outrage on both sides of the Atlantic when he was flown home to a hero's welcome in Tripoli, and the case was revived as the first anniversary of his release approaches without news of his death.If this technologics is already stirring in Cervantes, swelling in Blake and Shelley and coming to a head in Melville, then the moment that it fully breaks and floods the whole aesthetic landscape can be dated to the very day. On 20 February 1909, Filippo Tommaso MBlakearinetti published on the front page of Le Figaro his incendiary "Founding and Manifesto of Futurism". Wrapped in an account of a car crash that Marinetti in fact experienced (and which he celebrates here, in proto-Ballardian manner, as an episode of almost transcendent metallic beauty), the manifesto announces the new, superior aesthetic of the machine. "A racing car," reads the manifesto's fourth paragraph, "whose hood is adorned with great pipes, like serpents of explosive breath â?? a roaring car that seems to ride on grapeshot â?? is more beautiful than The Victory of Samothrace." While the diagnostic move â?? acknowledging the machine's ascendency in art as well as industry â?? may be the same as Melville's, the attitude could not be more different: where Melville's narrator shivers with revulsion from beginning to end of "The Tartarus of Maids", Marinetti vibrates in his manifesto with a fiery enthusiasm that approaches ecstasy. "We will sing," reads paragraph 11, "of the vibrant nightly fervour of arsenals and shipyards blazing with violent electric moons; greedy railway stations that devour smoke-plumed serpents; factories hung on clouds by the crooked lines of their smoke; bridges that stride the rivers like giant gymnasts, flashing in the sun with a glitter of knives; adventurous steamers that sniff the horizon; deep-chested locomotives whose wheels paw the tracks like the hooves of enormous steel horses bridled by tubing; and the sleek flight of planes whose propellers chatter in the wind like banners and seem to cheer like an enthusiastic crowd."Wealthy benefactors usually want efficiency, clearly defined targets, measurable outcomes, quick results. They tend to select charities as they would select suppliers of goods and services to their companies. Some bodies provide data that help donors decide which charities to support: in the US, for instance, GiveWell records effectiveness according to "the most lives saved for the least money". These things aren't necessarily wrong â?? many charities would benefit from more rigour â?? but they don't always translate easily to the voluntary sector. They are not readily applicable to the more diffuse, long-term aims of civil society organisations, nor to their more transparent, less top-down decision-making processes. Just as market approaches carry dangers when applied to public services, so they do when applied to charities. The emphasis on "rates of return" and "value for money" may exclude people in great need who happen to be difficult to reach or, even if made fit and healthy, would be of marginal economic utility.This point is acknowledged â?? partially â?? by genetic engineers. "We do concentrate a lot on genetic approaches to disease, but that is because we geneticists are only now catching up with other sciences," says Luke Alphey, head of Oxitec, an Oxford University spin-off genetics company. "For the first time, we have got the tools to do this sort of thing. And in any case, a disease is generally a combination of genetic and environmental causes. So the more we learn about genetic influences the more we will know about their environmental influences as well."The wrecked city is full of Americans, college kids mostly, who've come down to pick coffee on the brigades. And there are Londoners, Glaswegians, a trade union group from Leeds, mingling some evenings in the garden of the InterContinental Hotel with European journalists and aid workers. One night a convoy of military vehicles roars up to the doors. Armed bodyguards take positions in the lobby. A short, chubby general strides into the restaurant, sitting alone at a table, delicately eating a piece of cake. He is Commandante Tomas Borge, one of the senior members of the ruling FSLN coalition. He was tortured by the dictatorship and spent years in solitary confinement. It is rumoured that, following the revolution, he found the National Guardsman who had tortured him, and said: "My revenge is that I forgive you." Nobody approaches him as he eats his cake, occasionally brushing the flies from his epaulettes.He said approaches to his rank-and-file membership had become commonplace over the last month.
As 2012 approaches, seem the problems of the world only to increase.
Gdy nadejdzie rok 2012 Wydaje się, że problemy świata tylko się powiększą.
Small man, your end approaches but it is not yet.
Mały człowieczku. Twój koniec jest bliski, ale nie nastąpi teraz.
But you couldn't get to it. All approaches to the beach were shot up.
To znaczy była, ale nie można było się do niej dostać.
In this respect, we believe there are other approaches that could have been used.
W tym zakresie sądzimy, że można było przyjąć inne podejście.
Hard to imagine three more different approaches to the game of golf.
Trudno wyobrazić sobie trzy tak krańcowo różne podejścia do golfa.
For this, we need new approaches and, therefore, you are on the right path.
W tym celu potrzebujemy nowego podejścia, a zatem jest pan na właściwej ścieżce.
What if the Commission was to think about adopting different approaches?
Czy mogłaby rozważyć przyjęcie innych sposobów podejścia?
When the moment approaches, even the most devout can experience fear.
Ale kiedy nadejdzie ta chwila, nawet najbardziej oddany człowiek może poczuć strach.
Therefore, we are also looking for innovative approaches on how to do this.
Dlatego też poszukujemy innowacyjnych rozwiązań w tym zakresie.
I also agree with those who have made calls for more regional approaches and we will be working in this direction.
Zgadzam się również z tymi, którzy apelują o bardziej regionalne podejścia. Będziemy działać w tym kierunku.
There are two approaches which cannot continue to exist in parallel.
Istnieją dwa podejścia, które nie mogą być już dłużej stosowane jednocześnie.
Part of it lies in a death that rapidly approaches.
Leży ono w śmierci, która gwałtownie nadchodzi.
Today, as the new deadline approaches the situation is radically different.
Dzisiaj, w przededniu upływu nowego terminu, sytuacja przedstawia się całkowicie inaczej.
There are a lot of positive approaches here which two colleagues from my group have referred to.
Obejmuje ona wiele pozytywnych elementów, które zostały omówione przez dwoje kolegów z mojego ugrupowania.
The answer to this question will have a major bearing on how our group approaches further procedures.
Odpowiedź na nie będzie bardzo ważna z punktu widzenia podejścia naszej grupy do dalszych procedur.
My mothers, the time approaches, you must away to the Globe, go!
Moje matki, nadchodzi czas, musicie udać się do teatru! Idźcie!
We were scouting desert approaches to the city and saw their army.
Wysłaliśmy zwiad na pustynię w stronę miasta i zobaczyliśmy ich armię.
I would say that to return to unilateral approaches is not a solution.
Chcę powiedzieć, że powrót do jednostronnych rozwiązań nie jest właściwą drogą.
Because of these divergent approaches, we were not able to reach an agreement.
Ze względu na te rozbieżne podejścia nie byliśmy w stanie dojść do porozumienia.
There is not even space for moderate political approaches, let alone more progressive ones.
Nie ma miejsca nawet na podejście umiarkowane politycznie, nie wspominając już o postępowym.
The day approaches when I'm finally free of this.
Zbliża się dzień, kiedy w końcu się tego pozbędę.
There are different approaches in our group - I freely admit this.
Otwarcie przyznaję, że w naszej grupie występują różne podejścia.
Using the fog as cover the bear approaches the herd.
Używając mgły jako zasłony niedźwiedź zbliża się do stada.
I do not understand why Canada takes different approaches.
Nie rozumiem, dlaczego Kanada przyjmuje różne podejścia.
Other states are taking different approaches, but it is not the case that they are doing nothing.
Inne kraje przyjmują odmienne podejścia, ale nie jest tak, że nie robią nic.
It is therefore a very good thing that we are attempting to agree on common standards here despite our different legal approaches.
Bardzo dobrze zatem, że próbujemy uzgodnić wspólne standardy pomimo różnych podejść prawnych.
Do not get too close. As he approaches, the sand will engulf you.
Nie możesz być zbyt blisko, kiedy się zbliży, inaczej piasek cię pochłonie.
If a customer approaches, they simply drive him away.
Kiedy pprzychodzi klient, oni po prostu go odpędzają.
The report reviews various possibilities for action and shows how individual countries have chosen different approaches, which is good but not enough.
Przedmiotowe sprawozdanie zawiera przegląd różnych możliwych działań i opis rozwiązań stosowanych w poszczególnych państwach członkowskich, co jest cenne, ale niewystarczające.
For that reason, I would like to propose eleven approaches to a solution.
Dlatego chcę zaproponować jedenaście propozycji takich rozwiązań.
We need more research and more information in Europe about these alternative approaches.
Potrzebujemy w Europie więcej badań i więcej informacji na temat tych alternatywnych rozwiązań.
However, it is important to note the dangers involved in 'soft law' approaches to labour standards.
Niemniej jednak trzeba koniecznie dostrzec zagrożenia związane z podejściem opartym na zastosowaniu "prawa miękkiego” w odniesieniu do standardów pracy.
They just had different opinions and different approaches to it.
Mieli tylko różne opinie i różne podejście do tego.
Let's just say I solved the age-old problem of who approaches whom first.
Powiedzmy, że rozwiązałam wiekowy problem do kogo podejdzie najpierw.
It is the time for sensible, balanced, and, in the best sense of the word, European approaches.
Czas teraz na rozważne, wyważone i, w najlepszym sensie tego słowa, europejskie podejście.
Unfortunately, there are cultural approaches, I repeat, to this issue and not ideological ones.
Niestety, do tej sprawy stosuje się - powtarzam - podejścia o charakterze kulturowym, a nie ideologicznym.
Naturally, these funds should have different objectives and targeted approaches.
Co oczywiste, fundusze te powinny mieć odmienne cele i reprezentować ukierunkowane podejście.
When a superior officer approaches you, you stand at attention.
Gdy podchodzi do ciebie oficer wyższy rangą... ...masz stać na baczność. Zrozumiano? Tak, towarzyszu.
In light of this, we have pointed out the approaches that we think are necessary today.
W związku z tym wskazaliśmy zadania, których realizację uważamy obecnie za niezbędną.
Wind the craft of ancient harm, the time approaches for our charm.
Wiejże, o sztuko prastarej krzywdy, nadchodzi czas na urok nasz.
A priest approaches Jesus and invites him to his home for supper.
Ksiądz zbliża się do Jezusa i zaprasza go do swego domu na wieczerzę.
Give word to break encampment as Apollo approaches eastern sky.
Daj rozkaz, by zwinąć obóz, gdy tylko Apollo pojawi się na wschodzie.
These approaches together encourage reform within individual countries, and reinforce regional cooperation.
Te wszystkie podejścia razem sprzyjają reformom w poszczególnych krajach oraz wzmacniają współpracę regionalną.
During 2010 the Commission will arrange information activities and the sharing of proven approaches.
W 2010 roku Komisja zaplanuje działania informacyjne i dzielenie się sprawdzonymi rozwiązaniami.
The report approaches the subject from a European standpoint.
W sprawozdaniu przyjęto europejski punkt widzenia.
It is not an understatement to say that they are leaders of public opinion and approaches to development strategies.
Nie jest przesadą stwierdzenie, że jest on liderem opinii publicznej i podejmuje najważniejsze działania w zakresie strategii rozwoju.
However, the Council's report does not contain any possible approaches to resolving those conflicts and issues.
Jednakże w sprawozdaniu Rady nie zawarto żadnej propozycji rozwiązania tych konfliktów i problemów.
As the race approaches, it is paramount that all distractions disappear.
Gdy zbliża się czas wyścigów, jest niesamowicie ważne by wszystkie rozproszenia znikły.
I've got pages of false starts and wrong approaches.
Mam strony pełne fałszywych początków i złych podejść...